Last updated on December 10th, 2019
Creation of logo is a tough job for the professionals. They ensure to follow a strict procedure and consider the task as accomplished only when the desired goals of a logo design are achieved. Their target is to create something unique based on an original idea for a logo. But every professional logo designer follows the following five principles of logo design.
Highlights On The 5 Basic Principles Of Logo Design
01. Simplicity Of Design
A logo design must be as simple as it possibly can be for easy recognition. Note this fact that people look at things in a hurry. For example, an advertisement on billboards is watched only for few seconds through a zipping car, or hundreds of products in a shopping mall are staked in rakes. So, your logo design must be simple so that it gets into the people’s memory very easily. Many details in a logo will only make it too complicated to remember
02. Make A Logo Memorable
It is one of the main principles of logo design that make your logo memorable. To make a logo memorable is what every professional designers aim at while creating a business emblem. In fact, the design must be simple with the purpose of putting it in memory of the viewers easily. But it is unique concept that really makes a design memorable. So, the emphasis is on a simple but unique concept that can convey the message.
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03. Enduring logo
Professional and experienced logo designers understand the importance of a long-lasting logo. Only such a design that last for 20 plus years is capable of building a loyal customer base. A logo should endure test of time and should not be merely following the trendy design styles of the current time that will fade away soon.
04. Versatility
One of the basic principles of logo design to be followed is about versatility. This principle implies that a logo must appear impressive in all sizes. So, even when a logo is downsized to print it on a pen or post card or it is blown to fill size for billboards, its uniqueness, colors, shapes, fonts must remain the same impressive. A logo also must be impressive in black and white.
05. Appropriate Design
Make sure that logo design is appropriate. This logo design principle implies that the design elements must be appropriately selected to suit the client’s business. For example, a toy business can have playful and funny fonts for logo but these fonts will be inappropriate for logo of a law firm.