Last updated on June 21st, 2018
Businesses redesign their logos to accomplish new business goals. Old designs of logos usually do not match the aspirations of new generation of customers. By redesigning old logos, businesses bring renewed attention to the products or services.
Here are 5 ways in which redesigning your logo can help your business grow
1. A new marketing tool:- Marketing strategies change with the new circumstances and with it businesses require new marketing tools to convey a new message to the people. Logo is one of the most crucial marketing tools and hence its design matters a lot to the businesses. An old logo of a company serves only a limited purpose in new circumstances of the target markets. Therefore, when a company renews its marketing strategy, it usually changes its logo design to remain in the limelight. So, we can say that redesigning of a logo is basically a marketing trick to spread awareness about a company’s offerings.
2.Better brand consistency:-Businesses pay greater attention to their brand identity. But customers relate differently to a brand in different times. Therefore, to keep with the new circumstances, a business must carry forward its brand to the changed market conditions by creating new marketing tools such as new logos. Many companies resort to redesigning of logos to ensure better brand consistency.
Take the example of Hershey, which incorporated all capital letters in its redesigned logo and made the design simple. The purpose was to create a new brand identity. Similarly, Southeast airlines’ redesigned logo has a red, yellow and blue stripped heart whereas the previous logo had an airplane mounted on the company name, which had lost meaning in the new market circumstances. The new logo is much warmer. The logo redesign was the result of changes happening in the airline’s business and services.
3. Target new set of customers:-Another benefit of redesigning a logo is that it helps target your new set of customers. Over the years, many lifestyle and other changes are noticed in vast section of a population. A new set of population starts liking your products or services. Many new customers with different economic and social backgrounds may have started visiting your business and your logo must address them. So, redesigning is sometimes done in order to target the customers coming from a different social and economic order.
Reebok is a good example of a logo redesign that meets aspirations of new customers. Previously, this global brand of sports shoes targeted only the athletes. But after the ordinary people also started wearing the company’s shoes, they became a new customer base for the company. Now, to target the common buyers of the Reebok brand of shoes, the company redesigned its logo. The new logo design has a new symbol, called the Delta, which represents the new changes. In a press release, this is what Reebok said about the logo redesign,’’ “The Reebok Delta has three distinct parts each representing the changes — physical, mental and social — that occur when people push themselves beyond their perceived limits and embrace an active and challenging life.”
4. Send new business message:- One of the reasons for companies redesigning their logos is that they have something new to say to the customers. Old designs of logos were created for a certain message at that time. Old logo designs carry a message that may not be relevant in today’s circumstances. This has a negative impact on brand identity of a business. Now circumstances in the markets may have changed and you also wish to send a new message for the targeted audience. So, you would like to add a new symbol in a logo or change the colors and fonts to give it a new appearance for the message. Some changes in colors or fonts is usually enough to send a new business message to the targeted audience.
Take example of redesigned logo of Foursquare, a popular mobile app helping people discovering restaurants, entertainment, bars etc in their localities. The new logo has a new F-symbol in the shape of a superman. The message is that the app is like superman for the customers as with this app they can explore any location in any city for the desired information.
About the new logo design, the Foursquare blog says, “We designed it to be a mix of map pin and superhero emblem. We’ve always thought of Foursquare as giving you superpowers to explore your city, and our new logo reflects that vision.”
5.Get customers’ attention:-Old logos looked fine when they were created but their design value is no more the same after a decade or so. Many old logo designs look complex and complicated when we observe them now. For instance, some logos had 3D look which was great in the bygone years. But such a design is not liked much by the people anymore. This gives the companies a reason to change logo.
Oliver Garden, an Italian restaurant of global reputation, had a 3D look in its old logo with a lot of style and classic elements. This Italian restaurant chain later opted for a flat and simple design by eliminating all the clutter. They even changed ‘’Italian Restaurant’’ and incorporated ‘’Italian Kitchen’’ in the new logo. The new simple design helped in getting attention of customers.
When should you redesign your company logo?
Choose the time of redesigning your company logo carefully. First, make an assessment of the new market circumstances and ensure that you have a new business message to convey through new logo design. Also, it is always advisable to change your complicated old logo design into a simple and acceptable logo.
In his blog on Logoholic, Stuart says, ‘’If you feel that your business logo looks complicated and makes it hard for your customers to remember it then, redesigning is definitely not a bad idea. Simplicity is the key behind making your logo successful. Use of unnecessary elements, colors, fonts, images, etc. can make it hard for the viewers to actually decipher the meaning behind the logo’’