
7 SEO Hacks For Startups


Last updated on April 22nd, 2020

Your startup website and all of its pages must be ranked high on search result pages so that your target audiences can easily locate and connect with your business. And if you thought it would cost you an arm and a leg to make your website rank high on SERPs, it’s time you thought again. The Internet simply swarms with several SEO hacks, tips and tricks to make it easy for you to make your website visible.

Here, we present to you 7 SEO hacks that go a long way in bringing your website to the top search pages. You can do these SEO hacks on your own without needing a professional help from an SEO expert. But before you go about trying your hands at any of these hacks, we recommend you to source a creative and professional website design to ensure that you’re able to summon the interest and attention of your website visitors and further convert them into customers.

Now, let’s explore the 7 SEO hacks for startups.

1. Search Right KeywordsUse keyword planner tools such as Adwords keyword planner to find out keywords, words and phrases your potential customers are using to search your type of business and industry. Get easy instructions by watching YouTube videos on how to use keyword planners.

2. Set Up Title Tag and Meta Description – Once you know the right keywords, put them on your title tag and meta description for each of your website pages. Google search algorithms will find your content or site by seeing them on tags.

3. Show It to Google – HC.Weebly.Com advises to submit your website to the search engines and get their tools for traffic analysis. You will soon know how many people are visiting your site and what the traffic pattern is.

4. Evaluate Your SEO Efforts – Use some free services from to evaluate the performance of your website. You will know where you are faltering and what are the areas that need improvement. These SEO hacks and evaluation services can help you improve your keyword density, integrating your site with social media and reducing your load time.

5. Bring Traffic to Your Site – Now, you should be writing great blog posts, articles, etc. so that people read and share them on social media. These measures help in creating a buzz for your website and gradually your site starts crawling up to the top search result pages.

6. Convert Visitors to Customers – When you have successfully attracted visitors to your business website, make them buy your products or services. For this, your website must be user-friendly. To know if visitors like our site, you can use tools such as YouEye to tracks their clicking activities on your site.

7. Act Now – Do not be overwhelmed by the SEO techniques as you can do it on your own with the help of the free tools. It takes only a few hours of work to effectively optimize your website to make it rank high on SERPs as per latest trends of SEO.

These hacks can surely help you bring your startup site up on top search pages of Google. If you got some other ways to add to this list, please share with us in the comment box below.

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