Last updated on November 12th, 2021
Typography, along with color, is a basic element that a graphic designer generally cannot avoid when designing something unique and memorable. From the name of a company to create a lot of promotional materials, typography builds the personality of design and conveys a message. This comprehensive typography guide outlines the essential aspects of this vital design element.
The importance of typography in graphic design is well recognized. The experts understand that typography plays a crucial role in conversions. This is due to its ability to give a personality to design and make it more acceptable and palatable to the viewers. But you must be aware of some basics of using typefaces.
Here Is Your Comprehensive Typography Guide
What Exactly Is Typography?
If we describe typography in simple terms, we can say that it is an art of arranging type. Thus, this is a combination of art and text and a stylish arrangement of type. Typography is a tool that can add some personality to whatever design you create.
A skillful professional graphic designer can use typefaces to evoke emotions and build up a drama as well. Also, the printed matter becomes visually appealing to the viewers due to the clever use of typefaces.
Why Do You Need Typography?
You need typography to give your brand a personality. For example, the logo design of Coca-Cola is entirely based on the classic style of letters. Such use of the typeface gives this soft drink brand a personality that stands out from its competitors.
Have you noticed the logos of rap music bands? Their logos have big and bold typefaces due to the loud music they play. So, typefaces conveys your message of the brand, logo, website, etc. effectively.
Similarly, when visitors come to your landing page or sales page, they see type everywhere in the form of lengthy or short text.
They scan the information quickly if the arrangement of the text is easy on the eyes. The viewer gets an impression about what you are offering to them on your site by unconsciously judging your use of typeface.
Major Elements Of Typography
The art of typography comprises the use of some key components. Here they are:
i. Typeface – It is a group of letters, numbers, and characters that make the same design.
ii. Fonts – It refers to a specific typeface style that includes the size, weight, and width. So, for example, Arial is a typeface while 14 pt Arial bold is a font.
iii. Line Length – The space captured by the text between the left and right margins in one line is referred to as line length.
iv. Leading – Leading is the space between the baselines, which is the lines on which the letters sit.
v. Kerning – Kerning is all about using the space between the letters look natural. So, the white space between the letters or individual design characters is known as kerning. Most fonts come with default kerning. Some businesses create a logo by using their own kerning techniques to give their brand a unique identity.
vi. Letter spacing – It is also known as tracking. The designer uses the spacing to ensure uniformly for a range of characters.
How To Choose A Perfect Typeface To Convey Your Brand Message
01. Pick Useful Typeface
While the emphasis is usually on choosing an impressive and expressive typeface, pay attention also to its usefulness. Remember that a beautiful typeface may not necessarily be equally useful for your brand message. Such a choice of typeface is essential in building your company’s brand identity.
02. Do Not Let Typeface Overpower The Design
Make sure that your typeface only complements the text and not overwhelm it. After having a look at the design or reading a copy, people should get your message, which is the primary purpose of using a typeface.
03. Create A Contrasting Effect
When incorporating a pair of typefaces, avoid using the same typefaces. It is better to use different typefaces in such a way that it creates some contrasting effect for easy viewing and reading.
04. Pick Legible And Readable Typeface
Go for a typeface whose counters are more extensive graphic design. Counters are the letter areas that are partially or entirely enclosed. Such a typeface is legible and readable.
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05. Go For Simplicity
While variety is always welcome, do not go overboard in picking all kinds of typefaces. This is one advice that every design expert will give when you implement your graphic design ideas.
Remember that your text is not a place to showcase your favorite typefaces. Instead, pick one or two simple typefaces.
06. Research Your Niche
In order to find out the perfect typeface, research your niche market and customers. Know if you need an informal or formal typeface to express your brand personality.
This comprehensive typography guide gives you the basics of using your choice of typefaces for your marketing materials. Pick typefaces as per your design needs.
If you are struggling to find out the right typeface for your brand marketing, you can seek help from Designhill.
This marketplace is home to hundreds of designers, and many of them will work on your design project. You will get a design with the right use of typeface as per your brief at an affordable price.
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Typography is an art of arranging text. There are many typefaces available to modern designers, but you should research your niche market and customer to find out which typeface will express their aspirations from your business. You need a wise use of typography to build your brand image.