Last updated on January 16th, 2023
Lead generation is a critical thing for any trade, and augmented lead magnets can easily help businesses achieve their goals. Unfortunately, most websites ignore leveraging the full potential of this marketing practice. The truth is that unless you’re a well-known leader in your industry, you will find it challenging to increase your email subscribers list without showing an eye-catching offer. Research suggests that showing your best content or offer in advance helps boost up opt-in email rates by around 80%!
A swipe file is a compilation of templates and other resources that you might want to swipe and refer back to it in the near future.
In order to download the swipe file, users are first redirected to a page where all resources are advertised, along with CTAs. When someone clicks on that CTA, a pop-up opt-in box appears asking them for their name and email address, and as the user clicks on the submit button, the files get downloaded.
This lead magnet works with a more than 65% conversion rate during 14 days of sending a swipe file-related email campaign to their email list.
This lead magnet works because people get something extra, as the user will get into your email subscribers and regularly get updated about your new products and services.
If you are a tool or software-based platform, this lead magnet will work for you. This lead magnet works best for increasing email subscribers and increasing brand value.
When prospects visit their site, they’ll notice the prominent 30-day free trial popup offer to try their software.
As users click on the CTA button, prospects will be asked to sign up and to put in their email addresses, along with the names of their companies and niche industry. A successfully signed-up individual can turn into your prospect long-term client.
This lead magnet can be implemented on the homepage, top service page, and exit popup.
Cheat sheets are a handy and engaging lead magnet because they’re short, easy to make, and don’t need many skills to create a cheat sheet. On some websites, cheat sheet offer is prominently advertised on the homepage, blog, top traffic page.
After clicking the call-to-action button, the audience is straightaway shown a pop-up opt-in to add their names and email addresses. As the user has opted in, he/she will be redirected to a thank you page.
This lead magnet works because the user is getting valuable insights at no cost. The cheat can be created in a way to turn the user to your client by giving away the best about your products. This lead magnet also helps to increase your subscriber base.
Whether you are a service-based platform or an eCommerce store, this lead magnet is perfect for you. It’s clearly shown on a few top landing pages with high traffic and top-selling pages where prospects can fill out a form and get a free consultation call for the service.
Prospects can learn about the perks of this company’s services right on the top pages and even from the homepage page.
Giving away complimentary service for no cost always makes your client happy and helps to turn into a recurring customer.
This is a great lead magnet. For example – Giving away email templates with services like web designing or development. Because it’s somewhat that anyone, from SMB owners to successful business owners, can use and customize according to your requirement.
This lead magnet example works as this offer conveys a very clear message that helps to stand out from your competitors.
Give away something extra to your site’s visitors with a piece of what they will buy from you when they become your consumers. If you generate a lead magnet on topics on which your target audience is keen and interested to know about, the probability of conversion increases radically.
It’s always suggested to keep your message on the lead magnet clear, and even your lead magnet should be short and sweet—longer and boring lead magnets don’t always convert better. If they are not easy to digest and take too much time to consume, prospects won’t be able to implement that knowledge right away.
Offer them what they want—something they can watch, read, or use to accomplish their goals right away, something that shows them how to solve a problem or keep growing.
And remember, you don’t need to be an expert to create a lead magnet. Just turn whatever you already have into a high-converting resource so you can convert leads like crazy.
Now, tell me something…
Which lead magnet examples do you think will work better for your business? If you’ve already begun testing some ideas, identify which has been the most effective for you?