Last updated on October 28th, 2021
Don’t judge a book by its cover, says an idiom, but it’s not true when it comes to sales. An attractive cover might not guarantee a book’s success, but it has a lot to do with the sale of a book. That’s why authors and publishers pay a lot of attention while designing a book cover.
Most design seekers depend on expensive designers or design agencies for their design needs. But with the availability of book cover templates and book cover makers, they don’t have to hire a designer anymore as they can make a cover on their own using a book cover template. As the success of a book partially depends on its cover, you must design it carefully.
Here Are The Tips To Create Attractive Book Covers
01. Look For Inspiration
Original ideas are good, but their problem is that they don’t come to mind whenever you require them. But there is a way out. You should search for bestselling books on the internet and inspect their covers. To be more specific, you should try to find the books in your genre. You will come across several successful books.
You will find the covers of some books interesting and want the same for your book. But don’t copy them. You can draw inspiration from them and incorporate them into your book cover template.
02. Pick A Template
Once you have gathered ideas, you would have a clear picture of what your book cover should look like. The next step is searching for a template. You should look for a template design that best represents your ideas. There are several design portals that offer book cover templates for free.
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We have helped thousands of business owners from all around the world with their graphic design needs such as a logo design, website design, social media posts, banner design and much more.
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03. Get The Dimension Right
While designing a book cover, you should get the dimension right. You should decide whether you are creating a book cover for an eBook, paperback, or hardcover format. You should always follow the recommended book cover sizes.
Some publishers and bookselling websites are also particular about dimension, and you should follow them. Most of the book covers design templates allowing you to resize.
04. Find The Right Image
A good book cover requires an image that represents the intent of your book. The image for a travel book is far different from that of a fiction or a self-help book. Likewise, you can’t use the same image for a children’s book and a biography. Finding such an image is not difficult. You can get premium stock photos for a price.
If you don’t wish to spend on the image, you can access free stock images. Most of the new authors and publishers make the mistake of using Google images and end up getting legal notice from copyright holders.
Recommended Reading:
05. Typography Is Important
Typography has been an Achilles’ heel for professionals with no background in designing, and they struggle in this part. Such professionals should try to experiment with different fonts and go with the fonts that look better.
Avoid using several fonts and remain limited to two to three fonts. Keep the author’s name in smaller fonts than the title if the author is not that famous.
At Designhill, we understand the requirements of authors and publishers with a non-designing background. It is why we have a vast selection of book cover templates available for them. Just download a premium template and customize it as per your requirements.