Last updated on November 12th, 2021
There are many crowdsourcing design sites emerging up on the web and businesses are taking advantage of them in varied ways.
When we talk of crowdsourcing, it simply implies that you are sourcing out your work to many professional or amateurs who have skills to deal with the assignment as per your requirements and specifications.
Design crowdsourcing online marketplaces such as 99 Design, DesignCrowd and Designhill cater mainly to small and medium businesses. These types of businesses are usually dependent on small funds to run their marketing campaign.
Therefore, designing a logo with the help of individual professional designers is usually very expensive since they have to spend the money on various other marketing products.
One of the major advantages of crowdsourcing your logo design work is affordability due to low fees. Generally, you need to launch a logo design contest on such sites.
At the time of launching the contest, you will be setting aside a fixed amount for the designer who wins your contest. The amount is affordable for small businesses. This means that you can have the logo within your set budget.
While a single professional designer will submit two to three logo design to select from, you can have dozens of entries from many more logo designers from across the world.
This means that you have many choices to make with many design concepts accessible. You have a wide range of logo design as per your specification of colors and fonts or other elements.
Generally, there is a perception that individual professionals are fussy and will not be cooperating with the client due to their expertise and experience. On the other hand, at crowdsourcing sites, you can actively involve yourself with feedback on the submitted designs.
You can concentrate on some of the logos that you think are impressive. Such designers can be guided further by your feedback to create a customized logo for your business and also to ensure that it has a brand identity.
But you will reap these benefits only when your design brief for the designers is accurate and elaborative. Make sure to provide as much background of your company and its products and services.
Do not forget to give details about your targeted audience. All such information helps the designers in selecting right colors, fonts, negative space, letters, shades and other elements.
What are your thoughts on logo design through crowdsourcing platforms?