Last updated on November 17th, 2021
Labels are the most important part of a product package. It won’t be an exaggeration if we say Labels are the heart and soul of a product package especially when the product is something like food products or medicine or machinery or a chemical product etc. Label design is therefore an essential part of a company’s marketing effort.
Market is full of varieties of consumers, all of whom have their different style of shopping and choosing a product.
The choice of product by a consumer depends on a range of factors like their interpersonal choice, economic level and number of product choices available. The one thing that does not change for anyone is – Label design.
Consumers won’t even think of buying a product that is lavishly packaged but has no labels.
01. What Does A Label Means To The Consumers?
Consumers are the main target for any product. So it is necessary to understand everything related to a product from a consumer’s point of view.
Labels play a vital role in making or breaking a product’s image in the market. To understand the need and vitality of a product we need to see and analyze it from a consumer’s angle.
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02. Labels Assure Customers About The Product Quality
From the point of view of a consumer what’s outside the package is the clear reflection of what’s inside. If a company fails to provide a good quality label, it certainly fails in convincing the customer that the package contains a good quality of product.
In addition to your package design if you invest in proper label design you are sure to attract customers in buying your product. The label gives the information about the product as well as the producer.
Knowledge of the brand name and other details, give the customer a feeling of connection, thus, building a trust level. It is needless to say trust is the basis of all relations including the seller/producer and the customer.
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03. Labels Help A Product Stand Out In A Crowd
No label means No identity! Why would a customer buy anything which has no identity of itself?
Customer does not use a label just to analyze a product’s quality; they also use it to identify a product. Imagine a store full of toothpastes without any label. how will a customer know which one belongs to which brand?
Labels establish your products identity. When a customer visits a store after using certain product and sees that product in the store, she feels connected to it because she recognizes the product.
Labels make a product distinct from its competitors at the same time making it recognizable for the customers.
04. Labels Give The Consumer A Sense of Safety
Labels are that part of a product packaging that gives customers all relevant information. When a consumer picks up a product from store shelf and finds no description about the contents or the way to use the product or its possible harms; they won’t feel safe using the products.
Many of us are allergic to one or the other thing. If we don’t have proper information about food products’ ingredients, how will we feel safe consuming it?
When we are going to use a chemical product, let’s say an insect repellent, and there’s no label giving information about its hazardous effect on human body; we are sure to feel unsafe.
A well-designed descriptive label created for the product using a product label template can compel a customer in buying your product because it will give the customer the much-needed sense of security.
05. Labels Give Customers The Sense Of Self-Sufficiency And Clarity About The Product
There are many products for which a consumer needs ‘how to use’ instruction. If your product is very good and well packaged but is missing a label giving the instruction, then the customer won’t feel self-sufficient in using the product and hence will not buy it.
On the other hand, if the product comes with a label giving step wise instruction about using the product then the customer will buy it because she will feel self-sufficient in using the product.
Obviously, complex gadgets come with a user manual to guide the consumer but there’s no user manual in less complex things like ready-to-cook food products.
Today everybody is an expert in cooking Maggie; what if Maggie never came with a label describing the steps to cook? What if conditioners never came with a label telling you need to rinse it off or leave it in your hairs?
What if medicine bottles never had a label telling you need to shake the bottle well before using? Wouldn’t life have been much complex and confusing without labels?
06. Labels Save Consumers From Being Cheated
Any product passes through numerous hands before reaching the end users. If the manufacturer doesn’t put labels on their product, the consumers would never know important things like the price of the product and its manufacturing and expiry dates.
This non-availability of information will make consumers vulnerable to frauds.
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If the consumer buys products without a label, they will most probably end up paying more and taking expired product too.
Laws mandate manufacturers to put labels on their products for this very reason. The absence of labels on the product packages would create a full commotion in the consumer market.
07. The Final Takeaway On Label Designing For Creating A Winning Product
The above discussion is more than enough to understand the vitality of a label for the product as well as its consumer and the manufacturer too.
So how can a label design help you in creating a winning product?
08. Make It Attractive For The Customers
One should keep the color balance of the packaging design easy on eyes, yet attractive. The colour balance of the two should be such that it can attract customers to the shelf. If a product fails in attracting customer to come and pick it up the customer will never read the label or buy the product.
09. Make The Label Legible For The Customers
Now that the customer got attracted and had finally come to pick the product don’t scare her away by using too much artistic font.
A bit of creativity from the label designer is good but too much of it can cost too much for the product’s sales graph. The fonts of the label should be legible and easy to read.
10. Introduce Yourself To The Customer
Do you ask strangers for favour? No? Then how can you ask your customers to buy your product without introducing yourself to them? Your identity and your introduction on your product are your brand name and logo.
Therefore get a logo design for your brand and keep it clearly visible for anyone picking up your product from the store shelf. As soon as the customer makes eye-contact with your product, they should know which brand’s product they are looking at!
11. Don’t Try To Hide Price And Expiry Date Of Your Product
Once the customer knows your brand name and the product they are holding; they would flip it to know the price, manufacturing and expiry dates.
Now, if you start playing hide and seek with the customer they would most probably put back your product to the shelf rather than their shopping bag.
You cannot afford to lose a customer on the verge of being a consumer. So make sure to put the information in an easy to locate place with a different font from the surrounding.
12. Make Sure Everything Is In The Proper Place On The Label
Hey, congratulations! You have won the initial battle by following above mentioned rules, and your product is smiling in the consumer’s shopping basket. Yes, you heard it right; I said INITIAL BATTLE! There’s no point of celebration if a consumer does not return to take your product again.
13. What Can You Do After The Product Has Been Sold?
Obviously, you cannot do anything after you have delivered your products to the distributors. But you have to design your labels well in advance keeping in mind what your product’s customer will do after taking it home.
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Research says shoppers pay only 40 seconds of attention on a product while in store for deciding whether to buy the product or not. But no research says customers don’t scrutinize a product after taking it home.
Once your customer is at the comfort of home they are sure to sit and read your product’s label. So you need to make sure you don’t leave any piece of important information like –
- Whereabouts of your company’s head office and important manufacturing factories
- Contact details with a message that you are ready to hear any complaints or suggestions
- Your social media page Links (this one is more important for you than the customers)
- Instructions on uses of the Product
- Ingredients or components
- Nutritional values or benefit of the product
- Safety Warnings (if any)
If labels are so important how can you ignore designing them? Label designing is as important as your logo and package designing. Get your label designed by a professional to make your product a winning product in the market.