Last updated on January 18th, 2018
When designing your company logo, make sure that your selection and incorporation of fonts is proper. Since, logo is a marketing tool and is printed on wide range of surfaces from big size billboards to the smallest ones such as pen and business cards, visibility of each letter to the viewers must be crystal-clear.
Following logo font rules can help you maintain a clear visibility to your targeted audience.
Your company name on your logo is the most important if it is a word-mark logo. Each letter of your company and business name or any text has to be very clear from a distance. Make it certain that each letter is spaced far enough apart so that they do not overlap visually when printed. For example, your lower case ”I” should not look like an ”L”.
Ensure that people can read your logo fonts easily from a distance at a glance. They pass by a billboard at a fast space on a car, bike etc or the logo may be on a speedy vehicle. So, clear and instant visibility of fonts matters a lot. Choose a font that is not difficult to read.
Make it certain that legibility does not suffer when your logo design is blown up to billboard size or shrunk to postage stamp size on business card. These size changes are particularly a problem when scaling down. So, avoid use of heavily stylized or ornate fonts.
Brand image
Select your logo fonts if they can contribute to your brand image. Fonts are known to carry a strong personality of their own and any wrong choice can damage the cause of your business due to a different message sent to the customers.
The logo font you select must be capable of telling your brand story to the customers. If your logo has an icon, then the fonts need to support that.