Last updated on April 22nd, 2020
Many new entrepreneurs wind up their businesses early as their ventures fail to live up to the expectations. But the fact is that they did not learn from the most common pitfalls of starting a new venture. A better approach is, therefore, to be extra watchful against inevitable fundamental mistakes that most new business owners make.
If you are new to starting a business, the chances are that you will live in a state of uncertainty. Making the right decision at the right time will not be as easy as you thought out to be at first. Most new entrepreneurs have absolutely no clue about what decisions and key steps they are missing. This is true for any scale of business in any industry.
Even if your business is a few years old, still you should assess its weaknesses. This is because it is hard to catch some mistakes at first glance, but they harm businesses steadily in the long run. A timely assessment will help you resolve some hidden issues before it is too late. But first-time business owners, in particular, should be watchful so that they do not make blunders from the start.
Meanwhile, Designhill, the leading marketplace, is also going to organize a webinar on this issue. The guest speaker is Ron Malhotra, an award-winning wealth planner, influencer & success expert, & creator of the Success Blueprint Program. You can get a glimpse of the webinar here.
Check Out The Webinar Video
Here Are Some Common Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make And You Should Avoid
01. Starting A Business Without Researching Your Industry
Starting a business without having good first-hand knowledge of the field is the most common mistake. It is better to have a personal experience of the business you wish to start. Mostly, such people are in a hurry to run a business. It may be that they got hold of some finances and dream of earning profits right away.
To avoid this pitfall, you should research the market from different angles. Find out if the demand for the product or service you wish to offer exists or not. Then, even if the demand persists, research your competitors. After all, plenty of other small and big companies are already in the market, and they are your direct competitors. How would you entice customers amid such fierce competition?
So, it is better to have a personal experience of the business you wish to start. You should focus on finding out your market niche. Which product or service will be more useful to people? Make sure that you answer this question precisely. That will help in determining your target customer. Overall, try to gain as much insight into your market as you can. This information will help you make wise decisions right from the start.
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02. Making Bad Hiring Decisions
It may not look to be a grim mistake at first, but the fact is that startups do make wrong hiring decisions. Remember that having the right set of employees is crucial to running any business and organization. But it is easy to be carried away by the excitement of starting a new business and hire whoever wants to join your new company.
As a result, many new small companies hire too fast. They may also employ the wrong people. A majority of such startups just overlook the costs of hiring too many employees. New entrepreneurs generally have the temptation to hire a professional with many years of experience. It is really hard to say no to the professionals who bring expertise to your company.
But are such employees really your requirement of the company at this stage? You should answer that question honestly. Make an honest assessment of what experience level of employee is good enough to run your company at its initial stage and hire accordingly.
Instead of relying too much on experience, hire those whom you can pay salary easily. Moreover, hire people who have a team spirit. It is more about chemistry rather than skills when it comes to hiring employees for starting your business.
03. Overspending When It Is Not Needed
In their enthusiasm, many new entrepreneurs spend most of their funds too early. Since they lack in experience, they are mostly unable to set a limit for spending the funds at hand. This mistake pinches the most when starting a business by taking a loan. Any directionless spending of money is bound to put startups in financial trouble soon.
If your business has started making a profit, still take precautions every time you think of splurging on various things. Have patience and wait for the time your business is finally on a strong foothold before doing something extravagant.
Also, do not forget to pay yourself a monthly salary. That is important to make yourself financially safe and secure first. Most importantly, save a part of the money you earned from the business. Make sure that you set a savings goal and then make further investments. So, avoid this common mistake of spending all that you earn.
04. Starting Another Business Too Soon
Starting another enterprise after the success of the previous business seems natural. But this is actually a temptation that very few can resist. Most of the new business owners end up making losses in both business.
A significant reason why running the two businesses simultaneously proves to be costly is that it requires more time, dedication, and funds. Often, a new entrepreneur is lacking in enough experience for handling two companies at a time and pays a heavy price.
Do not forget that you must spend and manage your limited resources wisely. It is a difficult task, especially if the first startup is yet to have a firm grip in the market. At this stage, you should dedicate your resources fully to your first startup to make it a success.
Overall, as a new entrepreneur, you must ensure that you avoid these common mistakes. It is better to learn from others’ mistakes than to repeat them.
Wrapping Up
Due to lack of experience, most new entrepreneurs make some common mistakes and end up closing their startups early. Amongst the mistakes they make, not researching a market and industry, wrong hiring decisions, spending too much, and starting a new business soon are the most common. You should avoid falling into these pitfalls.