Last updated on April 15th, 2024
Artists are creative professionals always ponder on unique ideas and ways to realize them into a beautiful piece of art. Once they finish their artworks, they usually want to share them with fellow artists, clients and others to showcase. Uploading an artistic work correctly and in a set professional way on social channels is essential to showcase their most exceptional talents to worldwide customers. So, consider some fine points to upload your masterpieces correctly on social media sites.
Aspiring artists look for various avenues where they can showcase their artworks to the world. In the bygone era, art galleries were perhaps the only places to exhibit artworks. But it was expensive and many a time out of the reach of a budding artist. But in the digital age, social media has become a natural platform for all artists, both new and experienced, to showcase their paintings, graphic designs, and a host of other artworks. Artists have full control over displaying their works on these platforms. They aren’t dependent on any art gallery anymore.
However, a new and upcoming artist may not be well-versed in uploading an artwork on various social channels where they can showcase their art pieces. These channels include PrintShop, DevaanArt, CGSociety, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Behance, Dribble, and LinkedIn etc. Each of these platforms has its own set of procedures for uploading an artwork.
If an artwork gets adequately uploaded, it becomes visible to people, experts, and potential customers in its entirety.
Here Are 5 Must-Know Tips For Uploading Your Artwork
01. Choose The Platform You’re Master In
If you are new to the world of social media, in terms of exhibiting your artworks, then you should know that there are tens of thousands of artists on the web which make the market highly competitive. You, being a new entrant, may not have adequate experience of how to handle all of this stuff simultaneously. So, I would suggest you first to pick a few of them and master the art of uploading artwork. Then proceed further to include more social channels in your list for uploading your artworks.
Moreover, as an aspiring artist, you may not have a dedicated team to upload artwork on dozens of platforms. You may be doing the job single-handedly. Therefore, first start with only channels you’re well-versed in; be it Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Behance, or any other platform(s) of your choice. You can then devote your limited resources to promote your artwork and graphic design services efficiently on these platforms.
02. Tag Your Artwork Properly
Make sure that you tag your artwork correctly — this is of utmost importance since merely writing something is not going to work. Insert some top-searched keywords related to your niche market in the tagline. You can begin with 5-10 select keywords first. After that, use a few of them in the tag.
But it’s imperative to pick only those keywords which are relevant to your artwork. The search engines use these keywords to search and display your artworks the search results. Tags with top-searched keywords can help bring your artwork at the top of relevant searches. This ensures that more potential buyers visit your art pieces.
Want to Sell Your Artwork?
Upload your artwork on PrintShop by Designhill and get massive exposure. You can sell your artwork on dozens of products to millions of customers worldwide. Thousands of artists and designers have already started. Now, it’s your turn to sell your art and earn big!
Sell Your Artwork
03. Write SEO-Friendly Short Description
Most social channels allow you to write a description of your artwork while uploading. Therefore, write a short and simple description that precisely narrates about your work. Don’t forget to include relevant keywords in the description to make it SEO-friendly. Pick the keywords you used in tagging the work to include them in the description.
Picking the right keywords is essential because users, while visiting a social media site, usually use the search box to find out what they want. Choose keywords after thorough research and mention them in the description so that people can find a particular work from your artwork profile.
04. Make Sure The Images Look Great On Products
The image you uploaded must look great on all types of products. Check them if they appear equally impressive on all products. Your prospective buyers would like to see how they look on certain products. If it doesn’t sound compelling on any specific product, it is better to remove or disable that product.
Custom mugs, duvet covers, and leggings are amongst those products that you should carefully examine to see if your images fit well on them and create the right impression to sell your art.
In case an image does not look impressive on a particular product after you upload it, then try to use a higher-resolution of the artwork. Another thing to consider when uploading designs is that you should place them in the center.
For example, if you’re uploading a design for a shirt, then it must be placed in the center of the shirt. Many designs are wrongfully placed on the right side, failing to leave a good impression. In the case, make sure the artwork sits a few inches below the collar.
05. Pay Attention To Whitespace And Background
It is a common mistake to leave whitespace when uploading your artwork to showcase it on a product. Adjust your graphic design in such a way that there is no whitespace visible. One of the remedies for this problem is to choose a background color that is part of your design.
Now, either adjust the design manually so that no whitespace is left or scale the design to fit the product completely. You may crop a part of the image in the process, but it will make the product more impressive, and that’s for sure — I can bet on this. Make the necessary adjustments until you find the image look impressive on the product.
So, these are some of the must-know tips for uploading artwork on a social media platform. Unfortunately, many new artists do not adhere to these basics and end up losing potential customers of their art.
Designhill also runs one such platform under the brand name PrintShop where you can upload your graphic designs, photographs and other forms of artwork to sell. This site lets you decide the price of your artwork on your own. The site takes care of promotion and sales tasks. Once your artwork is sold out, you get paid.
All you need to do is to upload your artwork at this site accurately.
Wrapping Up
New artists look for opportunities to sell their work. Most of them want to sell their art pieces from social platforms. But uploading artwork professionally and adequately on these platforms is the basic to selling the works. Start with a few social networks only to manage them efficiently. Then, tag your art pieces and give a short description with keywords included. Make sure that the uploaded image makes a product look great.