Last updated on February 6th, 2023
Whether you are a beginner or working professional who is looking for new opportunities to get a raise in your career, having a well-designed resume is an utmost requirement. The fear of rejection or lost chance of being hired always keeps on scaring. And, that’s completely normal. But, when you apply for your dream job, one thing that has to be perfect is your resume. After all, it creates your first impression.
Therefore, the first step to getting hired is applying for the job using the right resume design template. A wrong template can leave a bad impression about your professional approach towards things. In this post, we have shared a few sets of resume templates that can help you to make a fabulous first impression. Here we go!
A resume design template seems insignificant to many people. They lay more emphasis on facing the interview with the best answers to the questions. Most of them depend on their experience and high design skillsets in getting through the interview process.
But, it is sometimes about the first impression as well. If employers raise an eyebrow about the way you present your experience and skills in the resume, the chances are that they have already formed an opinion.
In that case, if you make some mistakes in the interview, they may reject you for another candidate. We don’t suggest that the right resume design template is your surefire way to be hired for design work, either a regular job or freelancer. But, the resume is undoubtedly the way to make that vital first impression.
What is a Resume Design Template?
A resume design template is a pre-set format that allows you to systematically give details related to your career and skills. Such design templates help professionals to put every vital detail that is essential for interviewers to know.
So that you will not miss those details when using these templates. We can say that the design templates make providing the details much more straightforward than doing it all by yourself.
Why Do You Need A Resume Design Template?
If you are a skillful graphic designer, marketing professional, or just a fresher, you would like to project your professional and academic achievements to the employers. But, your skills and experience should be presented professionally and not randomly listed.
Here Are Some Of The Reasons Why You Need First To Have A Nice Resume Design Template
01. Showcase Your Skills In Quick Steps
Since the resume design template is a set layout, you do not have to think much about which facts to put at which place. There is no need for you to download software and vast amounts of time.
Sometimes, downloading software becomes a little complex process. But with a template, you need to just pick your choice of a design template and put your facts in the right place. It saves your precious time while you create a resume using a resume builder.
02. Customize It Easily
You can customize templates quickly. The template allows you to use colors, fonts, borders as per your visual style. In just a few clicks, you can customize a template.
03. No Cost Involved
Resume design templates are available free of cost. You do not have to spend money to acquire creative resume sizes and layouts. For an unemployed person, such free access to the templates is helpful.
What Are The Different Types Of Resume Formats?
You should not make the mistake of randomly picking any resume and using it to apply for any job. That will send a wrong message about your ability to the employer. You have first to understand which type of resume is best suited to the job you are applying for.
So, Here Are Some Major Types Of Resume Format
01. Reverse Chronological Resume Format
Reverse Chronological Resume Format should be preferred when you have many years of experience and want to show it up in detail. In this format, you will be placing your work experience in the reverse order.
This means that your latest job experience will be instantly seen to the employer at the top and the oldest ones in the end. These are also the right resume design templates for marketing professionals.
The employer can have a clear picture of your recent activities of the past few years. That also is your way to showcase your new skills and bring them instantly to the employer’s notice.
02. Skill-Based Resume Format
In case your work experience is not of many years and rich, you can still impress employers. Therefore, choose the resume design templates for beginners so that you can present your expertise and skill at the top and highlight it in many ways.
For that, prefer choosing a skill-based resume format, which the freshers should prefer. These resume templates allow you to mention your top skill first.
03. Combination Resume Format
The combination format type is useful to both professionals who have rich experience and freshers. If you boast of working in different fields and have many skill sets, this is the right format. Freshers also can bring their skills to the fore to catch employers’ attention.
However, since professionals like to be precise in their choice of formats, they usually avoid combination format. Moreover, combination formation is useful as a resume / CV builder.
How To Pick The Best Resume Design Template?
While many resume design templates are available to the job-seeking designers, not all are made the same. You need to pick the right template.
Here Are Some Tips
i. It Must Make A Quick First Impression
First, keep in mind that recruiters will quickly go through your resume. They will take only a few seconds to get an impression about you from how you presented your career details.
If the templates fail to make that impression quickly, recruiters may not positively think of you later on during the interview. Know that a resume helps in building a perception of the applicant’s abilities.
ii. Pick A Template That Stands Out
Ensure that your resume design template is unique and stands out from the crowd of other resumes that recruiters receive daily. The very look of the template should catch the employer’s eye instantly.
iii. Prefer A Simple Template
Do not try to stretch presenting your career details and skills too far. In that case, your resume will become too lengthy in many pages. Recruiters generally do not like to go through a resume to that length.
They want the selective but relevant details in short to gauge the candidate’s abilities. They can then know more about the candidate when interviewing face-to-face.
Therefore, you should prefer using a one-page resume design template. With such a simple template, you will be forced to provide only the most relevant and essential information.
iv. Write It Differently
You should avoid using the same words in every resume template that you use to apply for a design job. Recruiters will surely pick up such words and templates.
Therefore, take your time and write the details in your impressive language. The template should give the impression that it is particularly customized for that job.
v. Choose The Right Format
There are plenty of resume design templates available in different formats. But not all of them are made the same. You should choose the one that suits best to your job requirements.
We have already mentioned the three types of template formats – Chronological, Skill-based Functional, and Combination formats. Choose the one that fits your requirement of showcasing your skills and experience.
vi. Creative Layouts
With resume design templates, you are assured of access to creative resume layouts. These are particularly created for graphic designers, marketers, sales professionals, etc. who need to apply for different jobs.
For instance, if you are looking for a resume template for graphic designers, these templates are well-thought-off and keeping in mind the professional and new designers’ resume requirements. Even other creative professionals such as photographers, UX/UI designers can use the templates.
It would be best if you use resume design templates to show your creativity. Even if you possess non-traditional work experience in an artistic industry, use the templates.
vii. Customize It
Resume design templates are fully customizable layouts. Just open these templates in the graphic design resumes editor and start molding them as per your requirements. You can change symbols, icons, pictures, and backgrounds in quick steps with ease.
viii. Use Your Photos
You can even use your photos in the design template using the picture upload feature. The prescribed file formats for uploading of images are PNG, JEPG, or SVG.
ix. Share Your Design Templates
Another advantage of using a resume design template is that it comes with all the sharing features. You can share your choice of the template with your team, friend, or family by clicking the share button.
It helps you to have a second opinion about the template and resume before sending it to the recruiters. You can also share the resume design templates on social channels.
These are the major tips you should follow in choosing the best resume design template to make the first impression. To make a resume, ensure that you do some experimenting by attempting a couple of template formats. Then, choose the best that looks impressive and catches the recruiters’ attention immediately.
BONUS TIP: Use Designhill DIY Template Tool
Designhill’s do-it-yourself tool is your way to create a design resume that can stand out. This simple tool will let you come up with your way to put details in a resume. You will determine the best layout of the resume to peasant your career details, skills, and potential.
This tool comes loaded with many useful features. Based on HTML5 canvas, this software tool has a huge library of resume design templates. You can choose a perfect layout idea that suits your current profession.
Due to the drag and drop features, all you need to do is to pick the images, fonts, etc., elements into the set layout to create resume design in a few quick steps. It is 100% customizable due to many fonts, images, and colors available to the designers.
Once you have created a perfect design template, you can then download it in any printable format such as JPEG, PNG, or PDF. If you have any doubts, the Designhill live support system will help you resolve your phone, email, or chat issues.
Wrapping Up
Resume design templates are especially created to meet the resume requirements of graphic designers, illustrators, and other such creative people. You should pick the right template that can stand out and help you convey your skills and experience to recruiters. Such templates should come loaded with a useful editing feature to customize them as per your requirements.