Last updated on November 29th, 2021
Businesses need logos to identify their products or services amongst customers. That is not the sole use of logos. A thoughtfully created business logo design has the potential to enhance its reach in a niche market and target customers .In fact, a logo can even turn a business into a trustworthy brand that people can believe in for quality.
Are you a small business owner or a startup? Your priority will be to make an brand identity of your business in your niche market. Remember that there are already dozens of new and established players active in the market. In this crowded place, you will find it increasingly harder to grab even a tiny market share for your products or services. Many business owners start with great enthusiasm but they fail soon and close their shop early.
In fact, there are stats telling us that a great percentage of business close down in the first year. Very few of them reach to the second and third year and then they also wind up their business. Only a few of them are there who finally survive the onslaught of competition.
What is the reason that nearly 8 out of 10 businesses close down in the first year. It was found that one of the reasons was that the entrepreneurs had almost no communication with customers. They were not much worried about knowing and contacting their customers.
They did not research their niche markets and target customers. In the absences of a profile of the ideal customers of their products or services, they simply went directionless. They invested money, time, and energy but in vein.
Do not repeat their mistakes, if you are a new entrepreneur and want to make it big in your field of business. Make sure that you communicate well with your customers. It means that you should have a thorough knowledge of the customer’s’ requirements, and their ambitions related to your new business.
Visual communication is a key to engaging your target audience with your business. People are instantly drawn to visuals. They can understand even a complicated issue if it is presented in an interesting and engaging way. This is the reason that people respond to all things that are visuals. This is where the significance of logos comes to the fore for business.
We generally take logos as a way to identify products or services. When people buy products they first see the company’s logo to find out its authenticity. A logo is a trademark of the company. So, customers want to see that trademark before purchasing a product. Often, logo is also known as a brand.
But a logo is much more than a visual identity mark. A professionally created logo design can catapult your business into a brand. You can use your logo as a tool to make a lasting impression on the viewers.
Here Are Some Key Tips On How To Get An Effective Business Logo Design
01. Research Your Brand Thoroughly
It is important to first have your brand details. A designer should be aware of the personality of a brand. For example, a brand in the business of making toys has a softer and amicable personality. A brand that manufactures heavy truck has a robust and strong personality.
Some brands may fall between the two. Therefore, pinpoint the personality trait of your client’s brand. A client should clearly state about the type of industry it is in when briefing a graphic designer for a logo design.
02. Know Your Target Customers Closely
Attracting customers is the ultimate targets of your logo design. All the efforts made for creating a logo are to please the target audience. So, first, have some insight about who your ideal customer of product or service is.
Prepare an accurate customer profile that gives a detailed information about social, economic, educational and cultural backgrounds. With this information in hands, a logo designer can come out with precise use of typeface, colors, shape, lines, images, etc. to create a logo.
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We have helped thousands of business owners from all around the world with their graphic design needs such as a logo design, website design, social media posts, banner and much more.
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03. Ask Relevant Questions To The Client
Ask your client the relevant questions if the design brief is not good enough to answer your queries. Questions like what is the nature of your business and which type of business model do you operate on: B2B, B2C, C2B or a C2C type, should be asked.
This is the primary requirement before which you cannot ever think of getting a logo designed. Ask those questions that let you have some insight of the business and industry. You can even ask about the colors used in your client’s website design. That will give you a hint of what the business stands for.
The answers to the questions will give you something to ponder on when it comes to designing the business logo. The queries become a base and a reason for incorporating the design elements that you think are right for the logo.
04. Get A Precise Design Brief
Your client should be providing you a precise design brief. The brief should have accurate information of what the client need from the logo. Usually, the brief has company name, and some details of products or services. But that is not enough. A helpful brief is the one that has details about the business, products or services, choice of colors, typefaces, images and graphic design services etc.
05. Evoke Feelings Using Right Colors
An effective logo design expresses its message by the use of relevant colors. One of the quality of colors is that they can evoke feelings of people. For example, when we see red color, we get emotions of aggressiveness, love, passion etc. So, first know which emotions you want to evoke from your target customers.
This means that first know the emotions that define your client’s business. The details you receive from researching of the business should be used to incorporate relevant colors.
06. Express Brand Personality Using Typography
Every brand has a certain personality. Some brands have a robust feel while others are a little softer. A music brand has a different personality when compared to a business that deals with educational products or services. So, find out your client’s brand personality. This information helps in incorporating the typeface that best describes your brand personality.
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07. Test Logo For Versatility
A good logo is versatile. This means that the logo can be used in varied forms and surfaces. For example, a logo is used in a variety of sizes. These sizes range from a size of a stamp to big surfaces such as that of billboards.
The logo will be part of an advertisement campaign launched by your client. Therefore, your business logo design must be clearly visible on the smallest surface of a stamp or pen. It should not be losing its sense of proportion when it becomes part of a billboard design.
Moreover, ascertain that the logo looks impressive in its colorless version as well. The logo will appear in newspapers, photocopies, stationery, documents, etc. in black and white. Test your logo, if its design is impressive without colors also.
08. Get Feedback
Make sure that you get suggestions from experts and most importantly from your client on your business logo design. After all, you are designing the logo for your client and target customers and not for your own appeasement. You should approach your client with the initial drafts of the logo.
Make some sketches of logo and get approval on one of them. Once you have finished developing the logo, get opinion from experts and other people.
If as a business owner you are not sure of the quality of the design submitted by the designer, consult your peers, family members, and others. If you think the design requires some improvement, convey it to the designer.
09. Hire An Experienced Graphic Designer
It is always advisable to hire a graphic designer service that is trustworthy and reliable. When hiring, interview many designers whose speciality is in creating logos. Go through their past logo works. Find out what design styles they follow. Hire a designer whose style would be good for your logo.
However, most of graphic designers are expensive. You may not have the budget. In that case you should be looking for some cheaper but effective design solutions such as using a design software and crowdsourcing.
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10. Explore Crowdsourcing
There are many crowdsourcing sites available for creating graphic designs such as logos. These sites are the solutions for designing a logo at an affordable price. You have many options to explore when you choose to let many designers work on your logo project at a crowdsourcing site.
For example, Designhill is a leading marketplace where hundreds of business owners come daily with their requirements of different graphic designs including logos. At this site, you have access to dozens of new and unique logos in response to your logo design contest.
Many designers submit their memorable logo designs to you. You can then pick a business logo design that is most suitable for your company. This site has 100% Money Back Guarantee policy, which implies that you get your money back, if you do not like the designs.
You can get an effective business logo design only when you precisely know your design requirements. The client’s business and its brand personality should be known to the designer clearly. This helps in picking right elements of colors, typeface, shape, symbols, etc. Such a logo helps build brand identity and drives customers.