Last updated on April 4th, 2022
When Relesol, an IT company, launched a logo and business card design contest at Designhill to get an emblem that can represent its business, dozens of the designers from across the world responded by submitting unique designs. The company received many exciting logos and business card designs created around different concepts.
It was difficult to select a winning design, but the company ultimately chose an impressive logo and business card design that was worthy of representing its business amid the targeted audience.
However, the company got stuck while selecting the best design for the 2nd place in order to award a prize to the designer. Out of many other design entries received, the company finally selected 4 logo and business card designs but still cannot be finalized a winner for the 2nd prize.
Now, you can help this company in picking up the 2nd best design. All you need to do is to cast your vote for the one logo and business card design that you think deserves 2nd prize out of the following designs and we will award the prize to the logo design that gets maximum votes from our audience.