Last updated on January 10th, 2018
A pet selling firm PetPoint got an impressive logo for its business through Designhill. The firm plans to sell pets locally and ship them within the state of Utah. So, the client was looking for a logo that can address the customers with a right message that encourages them to buy pets from the company. To get a logo design for its pet selling business, the firm launched a logo design contest on Deisnghill. In a few days only the client received several design concepts submitted by the designers from different countries. Ultimately, the client chose logo design by Shamkhan480 as winner to get the logo for its business.
The selected logo has a figure of a lovely dog which is typically an image for pet selling business. The consumers know quickly that the business behind the logo sells pet animals. But the dog created in the logo looks special and impressive enough to draw the customers’ attention. it’s a smiling dog and looks like inviting the customers to the pet business of the client. This surely is a lovely logo capable enough to take the business to the customers and helps in beating the competition from many other similar players in the market.
PetPoint had a simple requirement through its design brief saying that it wished to have an eye-catching logo with colors preference being green, black, charcoal and orange. To create a logo with such a simple design brief is sometimes difficult in the absence of any concrete guidance and preference for design elements. Still, the designers submitted some fantastic entries that the client liked but choose an entry that had a figure of dog which immediately conveyed the business message.
The winning logo design entry for PetPoint was entirely affordable for this client whose financial resources were smaller at the early stage of business.