
WTA Picks Up a Winning Design in the Logo Design Contest

logo design

Last updated on January 8th, 2022

A start-up tour agency, World Tour Agency, operating out of Latin America, was looking to expand its business horizon. However, due to budget constraint, they did not want to invest too heavily in brand promotion.

And this is where there marketing team decided to acquire an elegant and unique logo design in order to communicate their business idea, connect with the target audience, advertise their specialties and of course please the eyes of onlookers.

However, they found it too daunting to look for a design agency that could create their idiosyncratic logo within their tight budget. At last, they decided to launch a design hunt contest on the Designhill’s crowdsourcing platform to get their dream logo design.

They posted their design brief as a part of their contest launch. Soon, they witnessed dozens of creative designs pouring in response to their contest.

With 28 participating designers and more than 106 design concepts at their disposal, WTA was able to take their best pick easily!

They finally decided to choose the logo design created by Creative Hunn as the winning logo design entry. And for his incredible design, the designer received a cash prize of $599 alongside a five star rating.

Specialities of Creative Hunn’s logo design

The logo design by Creative Hunn’s was in full accordance with the design brief provided by the client.

1. Shape

Since, WTA was trying to target the ever increasing segment of Latin America bound travelers, they wanted their logo to depict that they specialized in offering a slice of Latin America through their exceptional and budget-friendly holiday packages. The simple shape of their logo clearly indicates that the company is easy to deal with.

2. Color

Use of blue and white colors side by side in the logo makes it visually invoking. While blue evokes the emotions of royalty and plushness, white represents tranquility and serenity. These are perhaps the two most essential elements that most travelers look for when planning holidays.

3. Font

Company’s initials in small letter and stylish fonts make it easy to understand that the company endeavors to offer stylish business and leisure holiday breaks where holidaymakers may relax casually without having to worry about the finer details.

The travel and tour logo delivers an instant reaction about the company that they are into the business of consolidating business and leisure travel and tour. The three airplanes zooming off the logo design represents the three major destination segments that the company caters to.

With logo’s changing color impressions and encircling stars on different business accessories, the designer has very beautifully tried to portray that the company offers bespoke and customized travel solutions.

A subdued image of a bag being formed by the three impressions created when planes are taking off is sure to make all hearts throb!

World Tour Agency got such a stunning logo conforming to their design requirements. All in all, the logo is set to become the Next Big trend in the world of logo designing.

With the successful completion of the contest, it would be safe to say that setting a design you will love is easy at Designhill!

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