
How Design Contest Works

1 Fill Design

Fill out your design brief and post a project

To start your design contest, answer a few simple questions using our interactive questionnaire and choose how much you'd like to pay.

  • Interactive Q&A
  • Flexible pricing for everyone
  • Get started in no time
2 Fill Design

Dozens of designers compete for your business

Receive dozens of design concepts made exclusively for you. You can provide instant feedback and get as many revisions as you want.

  • Multiple designers submit dozens of concepts
  • Review, rate, and give feedback
  • Create a poll, share it with your friends
  • Pick the design you love
3 Fill Design

Pick your favorite and get complete ownership

Choose the design you love the most, get all the source files and complete copyright and ownership of the design.

  • Select a winning design
  • Get final changes done
  • Receive full rights to the design you purchased

Logos, Websites, Packaging Designs & More!

Get 50+ high-quality, custom-made designs in less than 7 days!

See all design categories

Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)


Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)

I didn’t have must idea about designing and was concerned with how it would end up. Thanks to thedesigners who stepped up with guidance and options to choose from. I'm delighted with the designs andoverall experience. I would recommend design seekers to launch contest at Designhill.

portfolio image

Joe Graham, Kentucky Koffee
received 86 designs from 34 Designers


Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)


I am a bootstrapped entrepreneur having a budget crunch. But I found the Designhill platform quiteaffordable. In just seven days since I launched my project, received dozens of good quality entries andthat too without digging my budget.

portfolio image

Sam, Book Cover Design
received 84 designs from 27 Designers


Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)

Launching a design contest at Designhill is a seamless process. After I submitted the design brief,designers were very patient to understand my needs, made quick changes, and I'm thrilled with the finaldesign. Thank you Designhill, for your support!

portfolio image

Rylan, Visolio Painting
received 54 designs from 14 Designers

testimonial van

Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)

The overall experience is excellent. Received numerous top quality design submission for my real estatebusiness in just seven days. It was tough to choose one, as all of them were stunning. Now, I haveeverything that I needed.

portfolio image

Luella, SPA
received 92 designs from 32 Designers


As featured in...

Get the Perfect Custom Design On-The-Go

Most Design contests come with money back guarantee, complete ownership & full copyright ownership of the final design

Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Design Contest?

A design contest is actually a competition held among designers from aroundthe world. Every participating designer submits a design(s), based on the briefprovided by the client.

Here, at Designhill, a client —

  • Writes a design brief
  • Puts a budget for the contest as the winning prize
  • Starts the contest

The contest runs for many days in four stages.

Subscribed Designhill designers from around the world get to know the contestpost on Designhill. They submit their designs as per the design brief andcompete for the winning prize.

The client gives direction and feedback to the designers to help them make theirdesigns better in two rounds of the competition.

At last, the client picks a winning design from dozens of submissions. Thewinning designer is awarded the prize money. Post realization of the payment,the client gets the design files with full ownership and copyrights.

What is Crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is a way of getting a design related work done from a largegroup of designers in an online setting. It uses a large group of designers fromaround the world for their ideas, skills, and participation. On a commonplatform (Designhill), designers gather to complete a design task posted by aclient. While the client walks away with relevant design, the designer gets theprize money.

What will I get with my design?

Once you chose a design of your choice, you’ll get ready-to-use industry standard files for both online &print use with complete copyright and ownership.

Do I need to prepare something before I launch a design contest?

Do I need to prepare something before I launch a design contest?Our Launch process takes care of the design visual styles, colors, brief for each category which isdesigned in a way that it helps the designers to understand the clients requirements clearly.

Get Started Now
Can I get more than one design?

You’ll receive dozens of design submissions by our global freelance talents to choose from. Choose onethat meets your business needs. On an average a design contest receives 50+ designs in 7 days.

How can I work with the same designer in the future?

If you want to work with the same designer in the future, you can start a one-to-one project with thedesigner. Upon beginning a one-to-one project, you can invite the designer to work along with you.

Do I get the copyright of the design?

Of course! Once you select a winning design from your contest, the designer transfer you all the filesalong with a signed design transfer agreement.

Is there a Money Back Guarantee policy?

Yes, there’s a 100% Money Back Guarantee policy. If you're not happy with how the job went, you canraise a dispute. Our Design Experts will fairly judge disputes. You will receive a full refund if we feel thedesigner has not provided the level of service you paid for. But, clients always have the option to selectguaranteed contest.

What is guaranteed contest ?

In a guaranteed design contest, a client forfeits a refund option by choosing theoption "guaranteed prize."

Guaranteed contests attract more designers leading to more design submissionsthan the contests without a guarantee.

While a guaranteed contest is a wonderful upgrade for clients’ contests, wewould like to repeat that the clients won’t be entitled to a refund once they make their contests guaranteed. However, once a client opts for a guaranteed contestoption, it could make a lot of difference! They could get relevant and uniquedesign submissions.

A client can guarantee the contest at two different stages —

  • They can make their contest guaranteed during the contest launch. After theyhave filled the design brief, they need to go to “Contest Option” and check thebox to confirm and apply this option.
  • During the contest running and qualifying round. All they need to do is toclick the contest option icon and choose the Guaranteed Prize option. Confirmthe option, and they’re done.

Designers will be able to see that a contest is guaranteed on the contest page.They can also see it in the contest listing page.

Is there a way to make my design brief confidential?

Clients can make their design brief confidential by lancing a private contest.Each of our private contests is secured by an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)which a designer must agree. Signing the NDA allows the designer to view theclient’s design brief and participate in the contest.

Search engines do not index private contests; therefore, clients get completeconfidentiality.

Also, designers won’t be able to add their designs submitted to a private contestinto their Designhill portfolio. They cannot share private contests designsanywhere on the Web until they have modified it to a common business nameso that it will not be associated with the contest in any scenario.

Once the contest is finished, only the contest holder and the participatingdesigners can view it. It won’t be visible to anyone else.

What if I want to use my own image in the design?

Well there are several factors that needs to be taken into account, like time, money, etc. If you hire a freelance logo designer be sure that you would receive a creative logo in an affordable budget and less time. While if you go with a design agency, you would get a great logo design but it would be costly and take much longer time.

Get the Perfect Custom Design On-The-Go

Most Design contests come with money back guarantee, complete ownership & full copyright ownership of the final design

Check out our customer reviews (4.97 / 5 average from 41936 ratings)

Need A Design?
Over 100,000+ business have used Designhill to source high quality graphic designs. There are two ways by which you can get a professional graphic design at Designhill:
Best for when you want to crowdsource ideas. Multiple designers submit entries for you to rate and review before you award a winner.
  • Fixed price packages
  • Hand crafted designs from World-class designers
  • Dozens of concepts to pick from
  • 100% money back guarantee
Best for when you want to work with a single designer only. Explore the range of creative services offered by our highly talented designers.
  • Work with a single designer
  • Hand crafted designs from World-class designers
  • Options within all price ranges
  • Flexible turnaround time