Phone Wallpaper
phone wallpaper size

Phone Wallpaper Size

Custom wallpapers are the best way to get the words out for your brand. It not just gives your brand exposure but also keeps the audience engaged.

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Why you need the right phone wallpaper size

What is the size of a phone wallpaper?

The average screen size of the mobile is 4.7 inches to 6.5 inches. Considering this, the aspect ratio of the mobile wallpaper size is 16:9. You can measure the wallpaper size (not the file size) in pixels. Consider this chart for reference:

Phone Pixel Size Viewport
iPhone XR 828 x 1792 414 x 896
iPhone XS 1125 x 2436 375 x 812
iPhone XS Max 1242 x 2688 414 x 896
iPhone X 1125 x 2436 375 x 812
iPad Pro 2048 x 2732 1024 x 1366
iPad Third & Fourth Generation 1536 x 2048 768 x 1024
Nexus 6P 1440 x 2560 412 x 732
Google Pixel 3 XL 1440 x 2960 412 x 847
Google Pixel 3 1080 x 2160 412 x 824
Samsung Note 10 1080 x 2280 412 x 869

Explore & Customize Phone Wallpaper Templates to Make Your Own

Phone background-size best practices

The recommended wallpaper image size for a phone is 640 pixels wide X 960 pixels tall. The image has to be either in PNG or JPG format. Smaller images with size 320 X 480 may load fast, but they may not look sharp on phones with higher resolutions. On the other hand, larger wallpapers with size 1240 X 1920 will look sharp, but they will not load faster.

Using text in your wallpaper will restrict the view of app icons on your phone. But if you position it appropriately, you’ll be able to manage a subtle logo or text. But using too much text can be distracting.

You might not be paying attention, but an eye-catching phone wallpaper idea could be in front of you. Take inspiration from your splash screen. Or just pick the right phone wallpaper size. Pick complementary shades based on the color of your screen and adjust the intensity.

As your background image will appear on each page, you need to preview your app to ensure they look presentable. Make sure your apps are visible, and the text below them is readable.

Phone wallpaper mistakes to avoid

The most common phone wallpaper mistakes to avoid are:


Using a typical image as wallpaper

Across mobile phones and devices, the wallpaper may differ in size. Pick the right dimensions for the proper display of your wallpaper.


Adding long or too much text

Having subtle or a fair amount of text is acceptable. But some phone wallpapers are so cramped with text that they overlap the app icons. Even if you’re featuring a motivational quote in your wallpaper, it should have limited text.


Too many focal points, colors, and elements

There are many phone backgrounds on the Web that look entirely jam-packed. A single glance of the same is sure to overwhelm you. Too many focal points, colors, and elements destroy the purpose.


Ignoring the wallpaper size

Mobile wallpapers’ sizes change as per the size of the device itself. Not following the dimensions may cause any part of your wallpaper to cut off. So it becomes essential to consider the size of the device before creating or downloading phone wallpaper.

Where can I find the best phone wallpapers?

Branding logo maker

There is no dearth of ideas and inspiration for phone wallpaper on the Web. Some great wallpapers are designed from images/graphics sourced from various websites such as Designhill, Buffer, and Drip. 

Besides, you can customize your own image or artwork if you like. You can also source free stock photos from sites like StockSnap, Pexels, and Unsplash


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Phone wallpaper size

Final Thoughts

When fostering rapport with your target audience, phone wallpaper has a significant role to play. Well-designed wallpapers look great on phones, irrespective of their brands or models. A standard phone wallpaper size with a stunning design helps you build your rapport among your audience.

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