resume size
resume size

Resume Sizes: Get the right size, land the right job!

Get your resume high up with the perfect size that captures the recruiter’s attention instantly!

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Why you need a perfect resume size?

The dressing up for interviews is crucial so is picking the correct resume size. Submitting a resume with the right dimension and look can increase your chances of landing a job with instant shortlisting. A resume isn’t just a description of your professional achievements but a lot about your character. While a standard format showcases a sense of professionalism, a normal resume depicts an unkempt attitude. Get your resume dimensions right and it will take no time in impressing the employers.

Resume dimensions

The standard resume size includes:

Country Dimension
United States 8.5 x 11 cm
Europe 21 X 29.7 cm

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Things to consider when writing a resume

Choose a font for your resume that is easily readable. Steer clear of using more than two typefaces as it doesn’t look good to eyes. Instead, use different variants such as — bold and italic — of the same font family.

Customizing your resume to meet certain industry needs may let you earn some brownie points while applying for a job. Think of the position, organization, and industry you’re applying to when finalizing a resume design.

With hundreds of resumes submitted daily, only a well made out resume stands a chance to capture the attention of recruiters. Consider margins for resume along with headings, bullets, and other elements visually contributing to your resume’s overall appearance.

Depending on your personal or professional preferences, applicants can choose from different resume formats such as — functional, chronological, targeted or combination resume. Consider which format is suitable for your work experience, skill set, and educational background. If needed, don’t shy away from customizing the format.

Even if your resume looks visually appealing, typos in it will spoil everything. To grab attention during screening, it should be error-free. Ask a friend to read it or do it yourself by looking closely at every detail.

Margins on a resume may seem trivial but it isn’t. Typically, there should be a one-inch margin from each side of the resume with a single space between lines. You can increase the resume margins if needed.

Be it resume size, magazine size, letterhead size, or any other design size, choose the right size for the best results. The recommended size 8.5 x 11 cm in the United States and 21 x 29.7 cm in Europe.

Resume mistakes to avoid

Some of the biggest resume writing mistakes that you should avoid are —


Using the same cover letter

While applying for jobs, it’s important that you write each cover letter in a different way. Not paying attention to this might force the recruiter not to consider your resume.


Not including the right keywords

A resume should have the same keywords that appear in a job listing. Not having such keywords decreases the chance of getting your resume noticed.


Using an obsolete or outdated resume

For every job application, the resume has to be updated and highly targeted. Updating the skill section with work history also proves to be beneficial. But people often forget to do so that may push their resume at the bottom of thousands of resumes.


Adding fancy visual elements

Bold, quirky, and fancy visual elements look good in design work. But when it comes to resume, it shows unprofessionalism. Bold, funky font use may irk the recruiter as a result of which your resume consideration chances will become nil.


Ignoring margin and spaces

For your resume to look clean, readable, and professional, it’s important to pay close attention to margin and spaces. Without margin, it’ll look cluttered; while without spaces, it’ll be really challenging for the recruiter to read it.

How to choose the best resume formats?

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Getting confused in choosing the best resume format is very common. So to rise above the competition, you need to pick a suitable format. If you’re a student, mid-level professional, or a senior job applicant, choose a reverse chronological resume format. A functional resume format will be ideal for senior job applicants while for mid-level and senior job seekers, a combination resume format will be the best choice.

Remember that work experience isn’t the sole factor to think of during a resume format selection. You also need to think of the company, your position, and the industry that you’re serving. Formatting is just one way around to custom-tailor your resume for a specific company or position. 

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resume margins

The Final Thoughts

The purpose of a resume is to tell employers a tale about your professional journey. If your professional story is up to the mark, it takes no time to impress the recruiters and land job. Part of writing a great resume is to pick a suitable format, be mindful of the font and its size, consider the resume dimensions, resume margins, and create a cohesive look. A resume with simple formatting and clean look is the most preferred one though.

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