
Founders Aren’t Born But Made | Cheryl Crow | Founder X

Founder X Series - Cheryl Crow

Last updated on December 23rd, 2022

The magical route to success and fulfillment go right in the face of a founder. Everyone can tell you the risk but a true founder (entrepreneur) can only see the reward. Even in times of distress, a founder tries everything to keep his business dream alive. Designhill salutes this zeal and feels pleasure to share the inspirational journeys of true founders through series – “Founder X”.

We’ve been told many times that business is never a piece of cake. People say starting a business or becoming an entrepreneur comes under limitations. But, the real founder knows that it’s only in his/her imagination.

Designhill presents the “Founder X Series” in which we are talking about the success stories of founders, their life, and business struggles. We believe that the struggles are part of the life journey but should never be a hindrance to starting something of your own – Your Business!

Meet Cheryl Crow. A Mom. A Survivor. An Occupational Therapist. A Founder!

Cheryl Crow is an occupational therapist and founder of Arthritis Life. She graduated with honors with a major in Psychology and a minor in Anthropology from Vassar College in 2004.

Currently, she’s also a faculty member at an OT assistant program. She got diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis before she turned 21 that affected her life and that’s why she decided to have a business named Arthritis Life.

Arthritis Life is all about giving people practical day to day tips for living with arthritis.

It could be everything from managing fatigue to performing your basic activities of daily living without pain to managing just the psychological overwhelm that comes from managing a lifelong chronic illness that’s characterized by unpredictable flare-ups and remissions.

The foundation is to educate, empower, and inspire patients and provide the proper care to them.

Designhill decided to get in touch with her, asked about her journey and what is the motto behind Arthritis Life.

Watch Her Video And Know More About Her Ambition And Journey

Cheryl says, “I named my company as Arthritis Life where Life is an acronym where L stands for Life Hacks, I for Interviews with patients and providers, F for Fun and E for Education. So, I initially envisioned it as more than a talk show but now I’ve started as a talk show. In the coming days, I’ll be working on some more formal online courses for patients to take. My mission is to inspire, educate, and empower patients with arthritis and their providers. I’m trying my best to provide the best services and high-quality videos of life hacks and other strategies for patients. These videos help arthritis patients to complete their daily tasks with the least amount of pain possible.”

A true founder is a doer, not a dreamer. Cheryl Crow is an ideal example of a doer who has understood the critical importance of the disease and decided to help the fellow people who are suffering from the disease while tuning the passion with the pinch of entrepreneurial spirit. Designhill wishes Cheryl Crow and Arthritis Life a huge success in her endeavors.

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