Do you shy away from marketing your achievements?
An invention is nothing if it does not serve a wider purpose. Agree?
You prefer to communicate and build relations virtually rather than personally?
Money over Principles?
Yes: Because you like solitude.
No: Because you are a people person
Do you prefer lab/computer work over field work?
TheAccomplished Entrepreneur
Would give preference to your business over your family?
Yes: I love Mark Zuckerberg
No: I love Richard Branson
Is Money the Biggest Source of Your Happiness?
TheCash Flow person
Would you bribe to get ahead in business?
Are You a Born Leader?
Would You Risk Your lifetime's savings for your dream business?
Oh, So, Mr.Risky! Would you even drop out of college to start your dream business?
Do you believe in invention over innovation?
You work on personal instincts rather than market research?
Yes: Satisfy the customer
No: Dominate the market
Team work kills individuality?
Are you an inspiration for others?
Do you believe in charity?
Do you want to rule the world?
What Type ofEntrepreneur
Are You?
Would you immediately start a business if you receive $10,000?
Can you single handedly start a business?
Do you have leadership qualities?
Are you ready to be dishonest in order to make your business successful?
A business should focus on making a difference, not on making money. Agree?
Do you support the hire-and-fire policy?
Many small successful businesses over one big successful business?
Would you hire your friends over industry experts?
Do you have a business idea ready and waiting to be funded?
Do you easily gel with people around?
Can you single-handedly manage more than one company?
Jack of all Trades
What gives you business satisfaction? YES: 10,000+ Employees NO: $100+ Million Turnover?
Is your new business idea better than any existing business idea?
Do you always plan ahead?
Do you support the theory of 'If you cannot innovate, copy'?
The SerialEntrepreneur
Do you set yourself hard to accomplish goals?
Are statistics and numbers more important than customer feedback?
Do you support the notion 'One should constantly unlearn in order to learn'?
Can extensive research overshadow gut feelings?
Are you mostly inspired by the philosophy of other companies?
Copycat Entrepreneur
The Innovator
For you, business is all about your novel idea and what that idea can do or change. You know how to capture upcoming trends, take advantage of emerging technologies and convert your business ideas to accelerate the pace of your business.

Example: Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg is a great example of Innovator businessperson. By the age of 24, he had dropped out of university to shape up his dream venture. Over the years, he and his company faced much criticism. But even in the midst of all this, he never let what others think drag him away from making his dream business grow and expand.
Takeaway: Remember, if you’re spending time thinking and talking about what other’s think of your business idea, not only are you wasting your time, but you are also wasting your precious energy. If you’ve already got a revolutionary idea, don’t worry if other people don’t get it. Start developing it now so that you’ll be prepared when the time is right.
The Serial Entrepreneur
You continuously comes up with new business ideas and start new businesses. But soon you give responsibility to someone else and move on to a new idea and a new venture.

Example: One of the world’s most influential personalities, Oprah Winfrey Network is one of the best examples of serial entrepreneurs. She started her broadcasting career in high school and gradually became a media mogul making billions. Her business includes a group of companies across television, radio and magazine publishing.
Takeaway: As a serial entrepreneur, you’ve already launched at least one startup. But before you jump into the next one, you should make sure it’s something you really love and want to do. Take some time and establish yourself in the space before taking a plunge head-first.
The Wantrepreneur
You love to talk about organizing and managing enterprises and how to turn novel concepts into profit-making business with considerable initiative and risk. But you never actually do it.

Example: “The only thing worse than starting something and failing….is not starting something.” Seth Godin, Founder, Squido.
Takeaway: Remember, just dreaming and talking about starting your own business makes you a “wantrepreneur,” not an entrepreneur. You’ll need to get out of your comfort zone and put in your blood and sweat to make your dream venture stand on its own feet.
The Copycat Entrepreneur
For you, originality is an overrated term. You often try to model other successful entrepreneur completely. You believe in bringing a proven business concept to a new market.

Example: German entrepreneurs, Marc, Alexander and Oliver Samwer made billions imitating popular brands challenging the thinking that copying ideas doesn’t pay. They have imitated top web companies from Groupon to eBay. These brothers are among Europe’s most successful internet entrepreneurs.
Takeaway: Being a copycat entrepreneur isn’t always bad. It may be an overly simplistic way of finding a quick path to success. But being a copycat doesn’t come without risk. For instance, pioneers can command strong market loyalty that could be difficult for copycats to overcome.
The Opportunist
You’re an extremely positive person and love to take risks. However, this also makes you impulsive, and less focused on your business goals.

Example: Sir Richard Branson is a great example of opportunist entrepreneur. He is a self-promoter who stops at nothing to grab eyeballs to his business. He is a speculator and risk taker. With all his aspirations and his publicity gimmicks, he has been able to steer his business to success.
Takeaway: Being an opportunist is perhaps your biggest strength to survive in the ever-so-competitive market. All you need to take care of is your impulsive nature. Don’t lose your focus quickly and refrain from making snap decisions.
Cash flow Person
You are fanatical about the flow of cash into your company in the form of revenues, and out of the company in the form of expenses. You love to unite income stream with funding sources to ensure smooth cash flow.

Example: Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, Warren Buffett is a classic example of cash flow person. He surely knows how to manage his money and has a keen ability to see and analyze numbers. Quite naturally, Warren Buffett is wealthy, to the tune of $72.2 billion.
Takeaway: If you too are fond of numbers like Warren Buffet, it would really make sense for you to leave your temperamental attitude. Don’t be a control freak. Do communicate your vision for your company to your co-founders and employees.
The Accomplished Entrepreneur
This entrepreneur has gone through all the stages of entrepreneurship and building a business, and has reached success. They are now focused on scaling their business and leaving a legacy that extends beyond their lifetime.
The accomplished entrepreneur has figured out the things that will help you reach success. They have figured out how to connect with their customer and how to solve their biggest struggles. They will never “make it” but they are experiencing true freedom. They understand their time is their most valuable resource so they use it wisely.

Example: Bill Gates, world's largest software business - Microsoft, is a great example of Accomplished Entrepreneur. It was Gates innate charisma and his foresightedness that impressed and encouraged PC makers like Dell and Compaq to bundle up Microsoft's software with their hardware products making Microsoft synonymous with computer technology.
Takeaway: You already have that ‘X’ factor in you to impress and inspire anyone who comes in contact with you. All you need to do is push your limits. By always pushing yourself to deliver a little bit more than you’ve proven yourself capable of, you’ll go further, faster in your business ventures.
Jack of all Trades
You possess balanced skill-mix across different fields of expertise. You love to juggle many tasks at the same time.

Example: Founder and CEO of, Jeff Bezos is an example of jack of all trades. He multitasked his way to success. Today, he is recognized as one of the most successful entrepreneurs and the man who revolutionized the world of e-commerce.
Takeaway: You’re an expert; you can develop a skill and build a business around that skill. But remember, you can’t do everything single-handedly. Hire professionals to take care of marketing, branding and other operational areas and focus on the core growth of your business.
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Quiz Statistics
The Wantrepreneur
What is Wantrepreneur? -
Cash flow person
What is Cash flow person? -
Copycat Entrepreneur
What is Copycat Entrepreneur? -
Jack of all trades
What is Jack of all trades? -
The Innovator
What is Innovator? -
The Opportunist
What is Opportunist? -
The Serial Entrepreneur
What is Serial Entrepreneur? -
The Accomplished Entrepreneur
What is Accomplished Entrepreneur? -