Sustainability book cover design required by Mark Swilling
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Sustainability book cover design required by Mark Swilling By Adel

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Contest title

Sustainability book cover design required by Mark Swilling

What is the title of your book?
The Age of Sustainability: Just Transitions in a Complex World
What is the author’s name?
Mark Swilling
About the author
Mark Swilling is Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Development in the School of Public Management and Planning, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, where he is the Academic Director of the Sustainability Institute and Co-Director of the Stellenbosch Centre for Complex Systems in Transition. He is author/editor of numerous titles, including Greening the South African Economy (2016), Untamed Urbanism (Routledge, 2015) and Just Transitions: Exploring Sustainability in an Unfair World (2012).
What genre does your book fall under?
  • (1) Non-fiction
Add a blurb or a short description of what your book is about.
When the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Preamble of the document that was approved refers explicitly to the need for a “transformed world”. The question this book addresses is how do we understand the dynamics of transition that will get us to this destination? We live in times of crisis and constantly witness rapid changes in an increasingly interdependent world. Every day we are bombarded by reports about ecosystem breakdown, social conflict, economic stagnation and a crisis of identity. Unprecedented quantities of information are available, while most people go about in a state of informed bewilderment. There is mounting evidence that deeper transitions are underway that suggest we may be entering another period of great transformation equal in significance to the agricultural revolution some 13000 years ago, or the industrial revolution 250 years ago. This book aims to help the average reader to make sense of our global polycrisis and the dynamics of transition that could result in a quantum shift from the profoundly unjust industrial epoch that we live in now to a more sustainable and potentially more equitable epoch. The early chapters elaborate a metatheoretical framework that draws on complexity theory, post-humanism and the African ethic of Ukama (relatedness). This provides the basis for a new synthesis between non-equilibrium economics, a relational theory of governance (‘collibration’) and commons-based peer-to-peer modes of production that are appropriate for our times. This is followed by chapters that explain the dynamics of transition and the nature of incremental change, including examples of ecocultural alternatives. This is followed by a discussion of the political conditions that will need to be met to ensure that the deep transition to a more sustainable epoch is also a just transition that results in a more equitable society. The directionality of the global renewable energy transition that is already underway holds the key to the wider just transition. If it is hijacked by global energy corporates, the potential of new energy democracies will be thwarted. The penultimate chapter analyses the emergence of authoritarian populism and the role played by ‘toxic masculinity’ in mobilizing against the notion of a ‘transformed world’. Using South Africa as a case study, it is argued that this fusion of authoritarian populism and ‘toxic masculinity’ in the anti-sustainability narratives of the post-2007 era must be explained and addressed politically by policy and social movement communities committed to a just transition. The final chapter reflects on two decades of community-building and pedagogical practice at the Sustainability Institute within the Lynedoch EcoVillage, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Who would typically read your book?
Students, academics and interested members of the public
Is your design for a hardback or paperback book?
  • Don't Know Yet
What would you like on the front cover of your book?
  • (1) Title
  • (2) Author’s Name
  • (3) Subtitle
Provide details about your selected choices above for the front cover of the book
As in the above description
What would you like on the back cover of your book?
  • (1) Blurb
  • (2) Publisher’s Details
  • (3) Barcode/ISBN
Provide details your selected choices above for the back cover of the book
Blurb as above
Publisher: Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis
Barcode: Not yet available
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