Why an Eye-catching Logo Is important for Every Business

Why logo is important for business

Logos are used everywhere — on products, various marketing materials (print and digital), homes, offices, and markets. Every business wants to make a logo that’s unique and stands out in its niche market either by hiring a professional logo designer or using an online logo maker tool. Such logos help marketers drive their potential customers’ attention toward their offerings. Moreover, eye-catching logo designs matter a lot to businesses of all scales.  

A common feature of global businesses is that they all have impressive logos that are unique, simple yet powerful. With such an appealing logo and marketing efforts, a business owner can hope to do well in their niche with consistent growth over the years.

  • The top reasons to have an eye-catching logo for your business

    A logo is considered the face of a brand that interacts with the target audience on its behalf. As a business owner or marketer, this necessitates you to pay utmost care when you create a logo. You need to make sure that this tiny graphic design stands out in your niche market.

    • Build your brand
    • Stand out from competitors
    • Grab attention
    • Increase sales
    • Build brand identity

    Most big companies spend a considerable amount of money to design a logo. But if you’re a startup or don’t want to spend a lot, a logo maker tool is an ideal choice for you. A logo creator is a DIY tool that you can leverage to design your own logo, whether you're a novice or a pro designer.

    Create Your Logo With World’s #1 Logo Maker

  • Drive attention toward your brand

    With distractions all around us, our attention easily gets diverted to another new shiny thing. It could be you picking up your mobile phone now and then, random searching of information on the web, seeing too many advertisements in a market, etc. Consequently, the attention span of modern humans has plummeted to new lows.

    According to studies, the human attention span (the ability to focus) has declined from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds today. It is just around 9 seconds for goldfish. So, today, marketers are trying to sell products or services to a goldfish.

    But a simple and unique, eye-catching logo design can help keep people focused on it for a little more time, a few more seconds than the average attention span.
    Take a look at this logo.

    Drive attention towards your brand

    This is an excellent example of an eye-catching logo in black and white. The designer used the fear of spiders to keep the onlookers focused on this logo for a little more time. Fear is one of the most basic emotions, and so it forces us to focus on the root cause of the problem. We naturally pay attention to the spider figure in this logo. So, the catchy spider design of the logo grabs viewers' attention toward its apparel brand.

    Similarly, arches are traditional elements of architecture. Most magnificent buildings from the bygone era are constructed around arch shapes. Considering that, the McDonald's logo used arches and successfully caught the eye and attention of fast food lovers every time.

  • Make a great first impression

    The first impression primarily determines whether the viewers are interested in your business or not. If they have a good feel for your logo, they may enquire more about your business and how it will benefit them. But if it is a bad design, people will simply ignore it and your business. As a result, you will lose potential customers.

    We notice how someone ruined their personality by giving a wrong first impression on meeting others in our daily lives. But if the impression is right, people are willing to forgive some bad things about a person. People will take the new situation as an exception and continue to positively perceive something based on the good impression they had for the first time. 

    Create Your Logo With World’s #1 Logo Maker
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    Several studies have also proved the potential of the first impression. These studies conclude that even when the circumstances have changed, the first impression still influences people's perceptions. For example, the Missouri University of Science & Technology study shows that people look at websites for 6 seconds before proceeding further. So, what do you want to find out in those few seconds? 

    So, you designed your logo all by yourself using an online logo maker and designed it well. But later, as your business grows, you hire a professional designer to redesign the logo. Still, your redesigned logo will carry that solid first impression of your old logo.

    When they stare at your logo even for a few seconds, they judge its design quality. They wonder if they can trust the business based on the design quality of its logo. That is the power of the first impression that your logo makes. 

    Look at this logo design for Millenium Investment. The designer created an excellent logo design for the investment company. It instantly makes a lasting first impression on viewers, and they want to know more about the brand. 

    Make a great first impression

  • Build your brand identity

    A brand is all about how people perceive a product or service. It is about what opinion they have after consuming your offerings in the market. So we can say that a general perception people have made about offering from a business is brand.

    On the other hand, identity is a visual aspect of the brand. The colors, fonts, voice, tone, and other elements will identify your brand. But a logo identifies a business through its simple design using a mark or icon. So make a logo keeping these tips in mind.

    Build your brand identity

    When your business has a well-crafted logo, it becomes a way to build a brand. Since a logo is the most seen visual, it will stand for your business on various online and offline platforms. In this way, you can ensure brand consistency for people who see your logo design.

    Such an overwhelming presence of your logo will also mean that it is now part of your brand identity. Later on, when people start recognizing your business through the logo design, it itself becomes your brand identity.

  • Make your brand recognizable

    Make sure your logo design is unique, simple, and memorable. With a memorable logo, you can expect your target audience to recall your business immediately.

    Take your logo as some milestone that will lead your audience to your business. So, if its design is memorable, they will quickly recall your brand and think about it. Upon seeing the logo, they also will remember their experience of using your products or services. The memories of how your brand made them feel will also arise.

    Build your brand identity

    Therefore, you should create a logo that’s aesthetic and visually pleasing. Such design triggers a positive recall of what your business stands for.

    When exploring a logo maker online, you should experiment with different shapes, colors, fonts, and other elements. Then, see which combination of the elements makes your logo design memorable. A parameter could be to ask yourself: would you remember that design? If yes, then go ahead and develop that design further.

    But before you set out to use a logo creator, look at some of the most memorable global logos, as they are all striking designs. Look at these logos for inspiration. Everyone has these great logos in their memories and immediately recalls the businesses behind these emblems.

    You can notice that these and many other global brand logos come in unique shapes. So, scan the library of the logo generator for shapes that stand out. If you do not find it readily available, try to create one by yourself using the ‘edit’ tool of the logo maker.

    Fonts also play a crucial role in making a logo design memorable. For example, if you need to add your company name or a slogan to the design, go to the ‘fonts’ library of the logo generator. You will find a host of fonts in all categories: handwritten and classic style, retro fonts, comic fonts, serif and sans serif fonts, etc.

    Similarly, to make your logo memorable, explore your logo maker and choose the right colors. Make sure you don’t use multiple colors. Instead, use one or two colors to evoke the viewers’ emotions.

  • Stand out amongst your competitors

    Competition is increasing substantially with each passing year in every business niche. Your niche may also have many new online or offline competitors, and you need to stand out among them in many ways. Your logo is the starting point to show that your business is unique and offers valuable products or services.

    People tend to associate the quality of a logo design with the excellent quality of offerings from that company. Such a high-quality logo signals that its company's business is trustworthy, and you can depend on it.

    Therefore, while setting out to make your own logo, first take a good look at your competitors’ logos. Know what design elements of colors, fonts, icons, and others they generally use to convey their message.

    Then, when using a logo maker online, find out the shapes, color schemes, and font styles that none of your competitors have incorporated in their logos.

  • Build a solid loyal customer base



    Businesses grow by turning their first-time buyers into loyal customers. A well-designed logo becomes a familiar icon for everyone to recognize on products, advertisements, and markets. When people continuously see such an appealing design, they start following it in their minds, which ultimately results in repeat purchasing of the offerings from the company.

    An eye-catching logo is a surefire way to make people think about your business when they are out in a market to buy something related to your products or services. Since they liked your logo design, the chances of considering products from you will be very high.

  • Different types of logos

    Now that you know how an eye-catching logo can help your business grow make sure that you pick the right type of logo for your business. There are several types of logos you can notice everywhere, but not all are equally good to represent your brand.

    Here are the major types of logos:

    1.Wordmarks [logotypes]

    2.Lettermarks [monograms]

    3.Pictorial marks [Logo symbols]

    4.Abstract logo marks

    5.The emblem

    6.The combination mark

    7.Mascot logos

  • 1. Wordmarks [logotypes]

    Wordmarks are typography-based logos that feature a full company name. This type of logo depends on the unique use of a typeface or font to make an impression.

    Wordmarks [logotypes]

  • Advantages of a wordmark

    Since a company name appears in full in a wordmark logo, its main advantage is for new businesses. They do not have to make extra efforts to publicize their names since the logo is already telling it.

  • When to use a wordmark

    Think of using a wordmark logo when starting a new business as you would like to make your company name known to everyone. You do not have to spend extra money on telling your business name.

    If your company name is something that people would love to pronounce more often as it is distinct and catchy, you should go for the wordmark. This type of logo is an added branding advantage as well.

    You should also choose a wordmark if you think a particular font style will create a unique logo for your business. Such a logo design can reflect your brand personality.

    So, go through many examples of wordmark logos and see if it suits your brand the best.

  • 2. Lettermarks

    Lettermarks logos are also known as monograms. These are usually the initials of brand names. For example, HBO, CNN, IBM, LG, and HP are some of the famous lettermarks that are the initials of their company names.


  • The advantages of lettermarks

    We all love initials and acronyms. People can connect immediately with the initials of company names. It also compresses your lengthy brand names.

  • When to use lettermark

    You can opt for a lettermark if your business name is too lengthy and difficult to pronounce. See if it looks much better when shortened to a few letters in the shape of a monogram.

    To create a logo of this type, you do not have to care much about the details. Also, an acronym is easier to print on small surfaces like that of a pen and other promotional products. You can also save big in designing one such logo.

    A lettermark is often preferred as a sign of wealth and a way to personalize things. So, if your brand targets a high-end audience or is in the business of selling handcrafts or homemade products, opt for a lettermark.

  • 3. Pictorial marks

    A pictorial mark logo is an image-based design. Look at the logos shown below. These are just pictures, and when we think of the companies behind them, these images come to our minds. There is no typography involved here. These are also emblematic logos since we recall a mark only. Famous pictorial mark logos include that of Twitter, Apple, Target, Royal Dutch Shell, and Rolling Stones.

    Pictorial mark logos

  • Advantage of pictorial marks

    Pictorial marks are clean and easy-to-remember logos. So, the target audience can quickly get your brand message by recalling the image only and not the full business name.

    It is a simple design, which means it can be sized well as per the brand promotional requirements. You can confidently print such logos on a small space of business cards, letterheads, mobile phone screens, etc.

  • When to use pictorial marks

    You should choose a pictorial mark logo if your business deals with one product or service. In that case, people can recall that one product or service based on that image of your logo. For instance, the Twitter logo is a bird. So when we see that bird, we know it stands for tweets, which is the company's business.

  • 4. Abstract marks

    An abstract mark logo is an image-based design, but it is an abstract geometric form of the logo representing your business. Some famous examples of abstract mark logos include the Pepsi divided circle logo, the Chase thick strips logo, and the four square or windows-shaped Microsoft logo.

    Abstract marks

  • The advantages of abstract marks

    A benefit of an abstract mark logo is that it does not depend on any symbol or cultural element to convey a message. Instead, you can convey a message to your target audience by just using some color or form.

    Since an abstract image is not restricted to the shape and size of any real-world object, you can enjoy complete freedom of creating the logo as you please.

  • When to use abstract marks:

    Think of creating an abstract mark logo for your business if it deals in several distinctive things. Such a logo can represent your brand values and all of those products or services you make and sell.

  • 5. The emblem

    An emblem logo contains text inside an icon or a symbol. These types of logos have a traditional flair about them. That’s why organizations such as schools and clubs use them. Globally renowned brands like Starbucks, Harley-Davidson, BMW, and Perrier have emblem logos.

     The emblem

  • The advantages of an emblem logo

    An advantage of having an emblem as a logo for your brand is that you can easily convey that yours is a trustworthy business. Since emblems carry an air of professionalism and traditionalism, your brand will evoke authenticity and that it has been there for decades.

  • When to use an emblem logo

    An emblem logo is ideal for brands willing to send out the message that they have been in the market for ages. It is also an excellent option for organizations dealing in uniforms.

  • 6. The combination mark

    A combination mark logo has features of other types of logos. So, one such logo can have at least two elements of different logos such as a wordmark, lettermark, pictorial mark, emblem, abstract mark, and mascot. Famous examples include the logos of PUMA, Burger King, Lacoste, and MasterCard.

    The combination mark

  • The advantages of a combination logo

    A combination mark logo has a brand name, making it a versatile logo. Both text and icon, or any image or a mascot, can work together to create a strong message for a target audience.
    Your target customers can also easily associate your business name with the picture in the logo. So, when they come to know about your company name, they can visualize your brand through the image. So, a combination of text and pictures creates a distinct logo image.

  • When to use a combination logo:

    Opt for a combination mark when you are just starting a business. With this logo, you can let people know your company name and leave some visual cues as well for them regarding your brand.

  • 7. Mascot logos

    Mascot logos have an illustration of some character drawn in a cartoonish style to evoke fun. The intention is to create a character that should become a brand spokesperson. Famous mascot logos include KFC's Colonel and Mailchimp's chimp.

    Mascot logos

  • The advantage of a mascot logo

    A mascot logo can send out a brand message in a lighter and fun way without putting any stress on the viewers.

  • When to use a mascot logo:

    If your business serves children or involves some fun activities, you should think of creating a mascot logo for your brand.
    In the case when your offerings are something that you cannot express simply to your audience, then a mascot can surely do wonders.

    Want to create a professional logo on your own?

    Designhill logo maker is an AI-powered intelligent tool that lets you create a memorable logo on your own in minutes. You don’t need to be a design pro. Its interactive interface guides you through the process.

    Create Your Logo With World’s #1 Logo Maker

  • Tips for designing an eye-catching logo

    After you know why an eye-catching logo is essential for your business and the different types of logos, we'll give you some of the top tips to design a logo.

    Here is what you should consider:

  • Know your brand message and personality beforehand

    Before setting out to design an eye-catching logo with the help of a logo maker, be sure that you precisely know your brand message. Write it down on a piece of paper and keep that in mind while picking the design element from the library of the logo maker tool or any software you use to design a logo.
    Similarly, consider your brand personality. Is it supposed to be a fun-filled brand catering to teenagers, or is it a restaurant business with a serious business job? Do you want to project an elegant image since your brand sells beauty products to women?

  • Keep the design as simple as you can!

    Viewers should grasp your brand message just by glancing at your logo. That is the hallmark of an eye-catching logo design. Your logo must be a simple design that lets viewers and the target audiences quickly know what it is all about. An otherwise complicated design with many elements entangled in a tiny space will confuse viewers.

    Keep the design as simple as you can!

    Take a look at most global brands’ logos, which are essentially simple designs. For instance, the Apple logo is just an apple with a byte, the Pepsi logo is just a divided circle with a happy smile, and the Nike logo is a solo swoosh.

  • Make it a unique and memorable logo

    While keeping the logo simple, do not forget that it should be a unique and memorable design. A unique logo is one that viewers have not seen elsewhere before and can evoke appreciation.
    A unique and aesthetically pleasing logo becomes a unique design. People can retain such a design in their memory and associate it with a brand's values, personality, and quality.

    Make it a unique and memorable logo

  • Use only one or two colors and fonts

    Make sure you pick only one or two colors and fonts to design your own logo. When using a logo maker online, its vast library gives you an overwhelming amount of elements. You have many color schemes with hues and typefaces to pick from. Often, inexperienced designers incorporate colors and fonts more than required, complicating a design.

    Use only one or two colors and fonts

    So, pick only a few colors with the right hues that can evoke the right emotions of your brand message. Choose one or two typefaces if it is a typography-based logo.

  • It should be a versatile design

    A versatile logo can adjust itself as per the requirements of different platforms. This means you can project your strong brand image anywhere with a versatile or flexible logo. It should be a design that is easy to modify. 

    It should be a versatile design

    Also, check if your impressive logo design looks equally great in black and white. One of the best ways to check it is to make sketches and see which one looks impressive without colors. Then, you can color that logo.

  • Make it easily scalable

    Note that your logo design will appear in different sizes during your promotional campaign. So, it will be seen in greater sizes on a billboard and other such advertisements. It will also be on small surfaces of promotional items like a pen, water bottles, etc.

    Make it easily scalable

    Therefore, make your logo a scalable design that does not become disproportionate when scaled up or down to different sizes. One of the best ways to ensure scalability is to create a logo that looks impressive as a vector file.

    These are the tips to keep in mind while creating an eye-catching logo for your business.

Wrapping Up

An eye-catching logo is an attractive, aesthetically pleasing, and versatile design. A business can reach out to its customers with a brand message and personality with such a logo. Your brand becomes recognizable, and it has a strong brand identity. With an impressive logo, any business will stand out from competitors and build a solid loyal customer base. But it's necessary to choose the right type of logo.