Generate stunning TikTok logos

Use our TikTok logo generator to create logos for your profile. Just enter your brand name to get hundreds of logo designs created in minutes! You can browse and choose from a vast pool of ideas populated with your brand name. Customize the look and feel by changing TikTok logo’s color, font, or icon. We also have templates to help you generate a logo.

Generate stunning TikTok logos
Personalize the TikTok logo

Personalize the TikTok logo

Our TikTok logo maker comes with customization features. This means you can change the look and feel of a logo according to your brand identity. Using our logo maker's editor, you can replace a symbol, change the color, and update the font of a TikTok logo. Just like an Instagram logo, you can update the TikTok logo in seconds. 


Download your TikTok logo

After your logo is ready, check out the preview to see how it looks on various products. If required, you can change the suitability by adjusting the TikTok logo’s elements, like font and color. Once done, proceed to download the TikTok logo. You can download your logo in PNG and other file formats like JPG, SVG, PDF, and more.

Download your TikTok logo

Explore TikTok logo templates to edit, adjust, or replace elements

Leverage the TikTok logo generator to easily change the colour, font, and other elements.

How to make your own TikTok logo?

Creating a TikTok logo for your account is easy. Follow these simple steps to make a logo using our tikTok logo maker with ease.

Enter your business or TikTok handle name
1. Enter your business or TikTok handle name:

Enter your business or TikTok account name to find logo designs relevant to it. Our TikTok PFP logo maker will automatically bring you cool logo templates. Explore the templates and pick the ones that you love.

Choose symbols and elements
2. Choose symbols and elements:

If you want your TikTok logo to have different icons and colors, choose these elements from our pre-created library. Explore the library and find design elements relevant to your business.

Save desired TikTok logos
3. Save desired TikTok logos:

Click the “Save” symbol to shortlist, and we will save all the desired logos for your TikTok business. Later, you can access and filter the shortlisted ones. This will help you access the saved logos in one place.

Customize your TikTok logo
4. Customize your TikTok logo:

Once you’ve got a desired Tiktok logo, you can personalize the color, font, and layout according to your brand guidelines. You can even add more elements that make your logo meaningful.

Preview your TikTok logo
5. Preview your TikTok logo:

After customization is done, you can preview your TikTok logo on signage, stationery, apparel, and other products to see how it will look and feel in real life.

Download your TikTok logo files
6. Download your TikTok logo files:

When you’re happy with how your TikTok logo looks and feels, you can download it. You can access all the logo files, including, PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG. Use it the way you like.

See What Our Happy Customers Have To Say About Us!

TikTok logo maker is a game-changer! Created a dynamic TikTok logo that perfectly captures my brand's energy. Quick, fun, and on point!

All Hail

Sebastian Clark All Hail 3 weeks ago

All Hail

Effortlessly designed my TikTok logo with this user-friendly tool. Loved the customization options and vibrant choices. The TikTok logo designs were exactly what I was looking for. Great experience!

Ritual Divine

Grace Ramirez Ritual Divine 3 weeks ago

Ritual Divine

For me, it was really out of budget to hire a designer. Thanks to Designhill’s TikTok logo creator, the task became easier. The tool turned a challenging task into a fun experience. The interactive interface and a huge library of elements, including TikTok logo templates, made everything easier. The process is so easy that anybody can master it.

Airness Music

Ellie Lewis Airness Music 3 weeks ago

Airness Music

Absolutely stunning design! This TikTok logo maker is just wow. I got my TikTok logo in just a few clicks, even when I didn’t have any design experience. If you’re looking for an affordable solution for a TikTok logo, go for this.


Mateo Walker Barracudas 3 weeks ago

Barracudas tik tok logo

Startups like mine hardly have any budget for a costly logo design. The TikTok logo maker by Designhill is the best option. Quality, speed, and everything is up to the mark. I have tried many other tools, but this one truly stands out for creating a professional TikTok logo.

Jack Allen

Jack Allen Crimson Pain 3 weeks ago

Crimson Pain tiktok logo

Frequently Asked Questions


Why do I need a logo for my TikTok business?

TikTok is a video-focused social networking platform for businesses and individuals alike. Its boom over the period has turned it into a highly competitive space. But with a great brand representation using a brandmark, you can set yourself apart from others. It will also make it easier for people to find your business.


How long will it take to make a TikTok logo for my profile?

Once you’ve entered your basic information, like brand name, it takes just a few clicks to generate your logo.


What types of graphic design elements, like icons or symbols, should I choose?

We suggest you go for symbols related to your business. If you’re dealing in makeup or cosmetics, choose a makeup symbol. If it’s related to scented candles, choose appropriate icons, and vice versa. This helps in easy brand recall.


Why should I use Designhill’s TikTok logo creator?

Our TikTok logo maker is AI-powered. It means, you don’t have to be a designer or have any designing know-how! Its customization features and interactive editor makes it easy for you to generate logos in seconds.


Is a Tik Tok logo created using Designhill’s AI tool the same as a logo created by a professional designer?

Designhill TikTok logo maker is suitable for people with budget constraints. This AI-powered tool is an excellent alternative to design agencies.

On the other hand, a logo created by designers is known for its originality. Designers read your design brief thoroughly to create something based on your input.


How much does it charge to make a logo using Designhill TikTok logo creator?

It costs quite less! We have three packages out of which you can choose the one suitable for your needs and budget.


Can I create a logo for free with the TikTok Logo Maker?

Absolutely! You can create a logo using our TikTok logo maker for free. However, downloading the logo will cost you a minimal charge based on your budget.


Are the logos made with TikTok Logo Maker copyright-free?

Yes! The logos made with the TikTok logo maker are copyright-free. However, the icons, symbols, and elements used in the logos may match others’ since users keep using the same elements repeatedly.


Can I make a logo that matches my TikTok theme?

Yes! Our logo generator lets you create a logo based on the TikTok theme. Leverage the in-built library to find relevant design elements, like fonts, colors, icons, and more.


Are there any watermark-free options?

When you generate a logo and download it by choosing a desired package from the options, your logo comes without a watermark.