Last updated on February 21st, 2018
The Internet swarms with millions of different websites. And thousands are created, every hour! With so many useful resources freely available online, building a website is no longer a daunting task for a designer. But the real challenge lies in making the website useful enough for users. More often than not, website designers forget about the practicality aspect in a bid to make their websites more creative. In this blog, we would highlight 5 common web design mistakes that web developers and designers make when they give ingenuity priority over usefulness.
- 1. Missing or Misplaced ‘Search Box’
Most websites are like huge wardrobes of vital information. Be it a business website or a personal blog, it is essential to integrate a ‘Search Box’. Most often than not, visitor search for specific information on the website and with a search box in place, visitors are able to easily get the information they want. In addition, it makes sense to get a search function right on the home page of your website to make it easy for visitors to search your site in an efficient manner. Remember, a missing or misplaced ‘Search Box’ feature on your website may play down its popularity and usability.
- Incorrect Font Selection
This is perhaps one of the most critical errors that most web designers tend to overlook in the process of creating a good interface design. In fact, some designers use unconventional font styles and sizes that eventually make it difficult for the visitors to read the website text effortlessly. Fortunately, by simply ensuring a proper font size and format conforming to your design aesthetics, you can make your website communicate well with your readers. In addition, it also makes sense to use font styles and sizes that complements your website’s overall content placement.
- Incoherent Interface Design
Unarguably, it the interface design of a website that drives visitors to it. In fact, how consistent the interface design of a website is what makes it a success or failure. It is often noticed that many designers create different designs for every web page in a website. This incoherence annoys the visitors compelling them not to revisit the page again. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure consistency in the overall look and feel of the website so that your users can relate to it.
- 4. Concealed Behind-the-Curtains Contact Details
Ideally, contact information should be placed on the header or footer of every web page. However, many web designers do not pay heed to this and create a contact page which is not easily locatable. This annoys the visitors and seriously affects the credibility and popularity of a company and diverts the users away from them. Therefore, it is important to embed content details right on the home page to build trust and credibility amongst the online visitors.
- Too Many Images
Too many images on a website make it look rather uninteresting. Though images are important on a website, the overly use of images may distract and eventually turn off the visitors. In addition, users do not usually appreciate much usage of heavy images on a web page as it increases the loading time of the website. Remember, images are a medium to illustrate various services, features and products. Therefore, it is sensible to use images only to offer apt guidance and information to the users or online visitors.