Last updated on December 15th, 2022
Today, the demand for solar power arrangements as an alternative source of energy is growing rapidly. This rise in popularity is motivating entrepreneurs to invest in the solar business. So if you are also among those entrepreneurs who want to contribute to saving the planet by investing in the solar power business, then you need a power logo to differentiate your business.
Sunlight is a major source of renewable energy. Every hour, the sun gives adequate energy to the earth. And if we capture that energy, it would change the world. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight’s energy into electricity either by using photovoltaics (PV) directly or concentrated power indirectly. In order to generate energy from sunlight, anyone can use solar cells.
With the increase in the utility and decrease in the cost, solar power business has become the most feasible option for business owners. There isn’t, perhaps, any business today, which has higher potential than the solar industry. According to the latest reports, by 2025, the renewable energy market is expected to grow by $2,152,903 million.
When it is solar power business, there are plenty of opportunities. Whether you choose only installation or repairs or sales and service, you never run out of options. But the question is how will you make your company stand out from the rest? Though the sun belongs to all of us, there are ways to set your business apart and convey your unique business story and that is through your power logo. Yes! Logos are the visual representation of the company’s products or services. They are basically the face of the brand. So it’s important to get it right.
Here Are Top 15 Tips For Energy And Power Logo Design
01. Research Your Competitors
The first thing in designing the solar energy logo is to do proper research on what your competitors are doing. After all, you are creating a power logo to differentiate your business from others. Study the logo history (if any) of some of the big brands and find how they have conveyed their business objectives. Researching competitor’s logo doesn’t mean you copy the idea of their design.
Copying may make your business appear as the watered-down version of another brand. And the audience may also assume that your company offers less-quality products or services. By researching competitors, you will get an idea about what things to include and what to exclude in your logo design.
02. Align Your Logo With Your Brand Promise
A brand promise is basically a declaration of assurance on what a consumer can expect when they purchase their products or services. Although it can be spelled out through various mediums, the first thing that audience may notice is your company logo.
Your power logo should convey your brand message meticulously. Translating the brand promise into a design is not an easy task. Thus it is advisable to take graphic design services from the most trustable platform like Designhill.
03. It Should Reflect Your Business Values
An entrepreneur that conducts business professionally, always stick to its business values and never compromise on it. And this can be one the secrets of their success. Just like a brand promise, they can convey their business values through various mediums, but logos are the most notable identity of the business.
By expressing business values through logo design can actually make a brand authentic and reliable. When it comes to business values, it can be anything like consistency, dependability, commitment, honesty, efficiency, etc.
04. Keep Your Target Audience In Mind
The solar energy facts can surprise you. With many benefits, the world is switching to solar power, giving you a wide range of audiences to cater to. Keeping this in mind, you should design your logo. It should reflect your business values and promises, but that doesn’t mean you create something that doesn’t connect with your target audience.
For instance, if you are into the toy selling business, it’s crucial to have an image of a kid or a toy or anything related to them in your logo design to connect with them easily.
After all, everything right from the manufacturing to marketing to designing, you are making efforts to connect with your target audience. Thus, it is important to design a power logo after keeping your target audience in mind.
Looking For an Energy Logo Design?
We have helped thousands of power and energy business owners from all around the world with their graphic design needs such as a logo design, website design, social media posts, banner and much more.
Get Your Energy Logo DesignCheck Out Energy Logo Ideas
05. Choose The Right Logo Type
There are basically seven types of logos that you can choose while creating your energy logo. Having a clear understanding of each one of these types can help you in coming up with a remarkable logo design.
Let’s Discuss Them In Detail:
a. Wordmarks
These are font-based logotype where the name of the company is used in the logo design. The logotype is suitable best for the companies that have a distinctive name. Example: Facebook, FedEx, Cannon, etc.
b. Lettermarks
These are the monogram logotype where the initials of the company name are used in the logo design. The type is suitable for those who have a long business name. Example: HP, H&M, CNN, etc.
c. Symbol / Icon
Just like a name, these are the logotype where a brand is represented with a related image. The biggest challenge with such type of logos is that you need to come up with an image that not only conveys your business values, promise, and objective but also create a strong recognizable feeling. Example: Twitter, Target, Apple, etc.
d. Combination
In such type of logos, both text and images are used in the design. This type is quite popular among graphic designers as the format gives the flexibility to use either or both across different platforms. Example: Puma, Dominos, Adidas, etc. Among the above logo types, you may use any. However, we would suggest that the combination logotype is best suited for your business.
06. Focus On Simplicity
Another great tip for designing the power logo is to focus on simplicity. Being new in the industry, you may want to put every element in your design. But this may actually distract your target audience and divert them from your main objective. Thus it is important to keep your logo visually attractive.
Let’s understand this with an example. You probably have heard the name of SolarCity which is one of the topmost solar companies in the U.S.A. The company started its operations in 2004. If you look at its current logo design you will find that it is designed with an image of the sun. The name of the company has been placed just adjacent to the image. The green color used in the logo represents natural, healthy, and growth.
07. Make It Last Long
When businesses grows and expands, they may require revamping their logo design. Changing a logo may sometimes be risky as people gets irritated when they can’t find what they are looking for. But things changes with time. In order to match the changing needs and interest of consumers, you need to redesign your logo.
But changing a logo after every two years, for instance, is not feasible. Thus try to create a logo that lasts for years. If you want a logo that lasts for a longer period of time, it is advisable to take the help of professional graphic designer.
08. It Should Look Good In Digital And Print
A logo is something that is used everywhere-from social media platforms to brochures to billboards. It is thus essential to develop a power logo while keeping all the digital and printing materials in mind. Different mediums have a different size requirement.
For example, for Facebook, the profile photo size is 160px*160px whereas for Twitter the profile photo size is 400px*400px. Before you take a final decision on your company logo, make sure you test on all the mediums where it is going to be used.
09. Consider Scalability Of The Design
As said above, a logo is something that can be used everywhere. It not only helps the brand in building brand identity but also attract the attention of the audience. Thus, while creating a power logo design, make sure you take care of every single detail of the design.
You must be careful about selecting from your energy logo ideas. The elements you use in your logo design should be clearly visible without any extra efforts. To create a scalable logo, you can use grid software. There are a lot of free design grids available on the web. When everything will be in proportion, you can resize the logo without any fear of losing its details.
10. Create Effective Colorless Version
There are many media such as billboards and newspapers that sometimes publish advertisements in black and white. And then there are other hosts of marketing means like stationery, printed t-shirts, etc. that may require the black and white version of the logo.
Thus, it is vital that your power logo should look great both in colors and in black and white format. It is where the sketching comes in. Before adding or filling colors in the logo, first ask the graphic designer to create a pencil sketch. Once you are satisfied with the design, you can then fill colors in the design. This way your solar energy logo will look great both in color and colorless versions.
11. Use Vector Format
During the designing process or before your designer start creating a logo, tell them to send the design file in vector format. These are basically the flexible files that allow generating a new file when rescaling is required. And the great thing about such files is that the quality of the image never deteriorates. And it’s not only a logo, but all your marketing materials should also be designed in vector format only.
These files can easily get converted in PNG and JPG formats just in case you want to use the imaged on different platforms. Are you short of money and can’t hire a professional designer? Don’t worry! Create your own logo by using our AI-powered logo maker tool. This easy-to-use tool lets its users create a professional quality logo within minutes.
12. Use Colors Strategically
Researches have revealed that colors play an important role in communicating the essence of a business. They have a strong impact on consumer’s behavior and emotions. It has the power to communicate with the consumers at the subconscious level. Sometimes, it can only be the reason for a consumer to make their purchase decision. So, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Being new in the industry, choosing the right color for your power logo can be a little tricky.
Therefore, when working on your logo design ideas, it is advisable to create ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ color palette. Primary colors are used to create a brand identity whereas secondary colors are used to support primary colors. In order to have a deeper understanding of colors, you should also have knowledge of the meaning behind every color.
Here Is A Quick Breakdown:
i. Blue: Professionalism, Dependable, Power & Authority, Trust
ii. Green: New beginnings, Natural, Healthy, Growth
iii. White: Purity, Cleanliness, Virtue
iv. Black: Power, Sophistication, Evil, Mystery
v. Yellow: Happiness, Innovation, Caution, Fun & Friendly
vi. Orange: Creativity, Energy, Happiness, Fun
vii. Red: Passion, Love, Anger, Desire, Determination
13. Choose Right Typography
According to Mattew Carter, ‘Type is a beautiful group of letters, not a group of beautiful letters.’ Just like color, typography plays an important role in communicating the brand message. They too have a strong impact on consumer’s behavior and emotions. Therefore, like other graphic elements, a careful selection of typography is important.
Every day, a lot of new fonts keep emerging, and the existing ones keep growing. It may make you a little distracted. So, if you want to stay ahead of the game, you need to have a clear understanding of font pairing. For a right and successful font pairing, we would suggest you hire a professional freelance graphic designer, as the design of the sensitive stuff must be in the hands of experts only.
14. Don’t Shy Away From Negative Space
Before we explain this, let’s first understand what negative space is. Well, negative space is the empty space between and around the subject of the image. If you have a white logo on a black background, then the black background is what refers as negative space.
Negative space defines the borders of positive space and brings balance to the composition. It is, therefore, important to use negative space in your energy industry logos. NBC, FedEx, Adobe, Foodpanda are some of the brands that have made use of negative space in their logo design brilliantly.
15. Take Feedback
Once your designer has sent you the final logo design, share the design with your colleagues, friends, and family. When you get so much involved in something, chances are you may miss out the important details. And it’s natural. Looking at the same design, again and again, may make you ignore a few things that can be small from a design perspective but may make a huge difference while making an impact on the target audience.
Thus take feedback from others and ask them if it is conveying what you want it to. If you get the positive feedback, then finalize the logo and if not, don’t get disheartened. Start with the process again. Because once it gets live in the real world, then changing the design again may cost you a lot.
Wrapping Up..
That’s all folks! By now you must have understood that a logo can make a huge difference in your solar energy business. So follow the above tips and create a remarkable and memorable logo for your new business. If you required any services related to designing, then Designhill should be the one stop solution for you. World’s No.1 freelance graphic design platform lets its users to get connected with thousands of professional graphic designers from all over the world. Good Luck!